Dreamswap! Ink

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Requested by MoonsRosas. I hope you enjoy!

" Y/n! Put them down!" Lord Dream yelled, looking at you who held both Ink and Blue like a sack of potatoes. You might be a female human hybrid but boy were you strong." Yes, Lord Dream." You let both skeletons fall on their faces, your gaze emotionless as always." Ugh, how many times do I have to say that you don't need to call me Lord Dream or Boss?" He looked at you, wanting to see if you had recovered your emotions for a brief second." 40706984 times, Lord Dream." All three looked at you like you had three heads, mouths open at how you kept track of this." Impressive, they can keep track of how many times you asked that simple question." Blue said, sarcasm in his voice." 4008" Oh great, here came your number spree." This is stupid!" He shouldn't have said that." 590 600 709 541 093." Ink looked impressed, no one had any words." You may leave." You walked out but not before saying how many times he said that." 900 654 109 760 173 234 001." And you broke him, great. You laughed on the inside but couldn't express it on the outside. Ink poked your face to which, for a second, you looked angry before it disappeared as soon as it came.

Ink pov

I have to tell boss about this! My crush finally showed a bit of emotion, even if it was for a second....

Y/n pov

I-I showed some emotion? I finally showed emotion! I wanted to feel more emotion, I had to! I looked at Ink and asked him the one thing I thought I would never ask." Help me to feel fear." He looked at me with a surprised look but it soon turned to one of his famous scowls." Fine. Let's head to my room for... obvious reasons..." His voice held mischief, licking his lips. Oh, that... Eh, you've done this multiple times before. That was the only time you felt emotions, the only time you felt scared." I see. Let's go, shall we?" You walked ahead of him, not noticing the pale rainbow blush." Alright, alright!" You both arrived at his room, entering it before he shut and locked the door. You started to strip, a bathing suit under all that armour. Now, you went to the bed and made yourself as comfortable as you could." Let's get this over with." You nodded in response.

You felt scared but knew that it was just your way of getting used to this emotion, despite being in his stomach." How you holding up in there?" His booming voice asked." I feel scared! Thank you for letting me feel emotions!" He blushed but decided to just go yo sleep, knowing that you might want to experience this a bit longer." Welp, I'm off to bed. I'll let you out when I wake up." You said 'okay' before hearing light snores, Ink sleeping from his exhausting day. You decided to get some shut eye aswell.

The End

No part two.

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