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Requested by DarkSkele. Hope you enjoy this.

" Noooooooo- hahahaha, st- hahaha, please! I beg of you!" A young human said, laughing." Never! You stole all my chocolate! You shall pay by being tickled by the tickle monster!" A doll with blue strings wrapped around it, said. That doll was controlled by Silence, the monster that tickled the laughing human." I'll do anything!" They said. That human is Y/n, lover of Silence." Anything?" The doll asked. Y/n realised their mistake before looking up at Silence who was licking his lips, hunger evident in his eyes. They were slightly excited but scared for the most part." Well then, let's get started~" the doll said." Wait- you have to talk first and give me a doll to comfort like last time!" Y/n said; their one hand covering their face while the other was outstretched, trying to cover their fear-filled eyes. Silence accepted and got rid of the doll by hanging it back in place, teleporting his doll in Y/n's arms which made them feel safer. This did make him jealous but he knew that they were afraid of being eaten alone, that's why he made a doll of himself and used this method. At one point, they asked for him to use his own voice and not use the dolls. He agreed and kept in doing this method for more than 3 years." Alright, get ready because this will happen slowly." He said, knowing that you didn't like to get it over with too quick. Yes, it did it hurt him a bit but that didn't stop him from getting you in his gut. He grabbed your legs and shoved them in first, shoving them further until your waist was in his mouth. He stopped, waiting for five minutes before consuming you to your chest area, waiting for ten minutes before swallowing you again. Your head was in his closed maw, getting suddenly swallowed. It was a slow process but you reached his stomach. You cuddled his doll, feeling like he was with you, even if he was the one that swallowed you. You sighed, getting ready to sleep." Sleep well my little snack~" he said before going to bed himself.

The End

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