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Those were the only things you felt and saw. You woke up and it was freezing cold. You were in outer space. You were near some edge where it was cold. You shivered and whimpered. You began to tear up when you saw a dark figure running up to you. They felt like bone. You mumbled,"cold. Need warm." The figure heard you and stuffed you in his jacket. You were still shivering and whimpering. He didn't have any ideas when his stomach growled. You didn't hear it because you were dozing off because of the lack of warmth you radiated off your body. He shrank you to the size of a doll. He picked you up and placed you in his open maw. He closed his mouth and gulped you softly. You were now in his throat, limp. He took the first gulp and you went straight down to his stomach. He patted his gut and sighed. He was satisfied and glad that you were okay. He was mostly worried about you. He stayed near the edge with you safely tucked away in his gut while he stargazed.

He, eventually, slept and you began squirming. You were having a nightmare. Outer woke up from your squirming, thinking that you were awake and scared. He lifted his shirt up to see you squirming and thrashing while sleeping.' Nightmare.' he thought. He hummed softly and your squirming and thrashing died down as you were now in a peaceful slumber. After that, he went home and went straight to his bed and flopped on his back on his bed and slept with you still safely tucked away in his gut.


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