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Crescent is the ship child of Killmare. I saw that someone was inspired by my book and requested this for their book. Inspired by Idkamhelp. I hope you enjoy this, if you are reading this. Without further ado, let's start. Also, this is more of an adopted sibling chapter. Don't like, leave.

Crescent was in a very bad mood, being worse than any other mood that he was ever in. In his arms, a 2-year-old child was wrapped in blankets. He actually found them in an alleyway and they were dirty, hungry, thirsty and tired. He was kind enough to take them in like they were his own sibling. They were also human, making it even more heartbreaking. He was sure that humans have lost their sanity long ago, only thinking about themselves and not their very own family.'Selfish humans!' he thought. The blankets were supposed to keep you warm but, it didn't. You were shivering from the cold. Crescent felt your shivering and thought of ways to keep you warm. He thought of one thing but it might scare you. He looked down at you, you were sleeping in his arms. He had no other option and took in a deep breath before opening his mouth and gently shoving the child's head in, making sure that his canine teeth didn't hurt them in the process. He couldn't bear the thought of harming an innocent child, he would blame himself for hurting you if you ever got a scratch. He shoved you further and your whole body was in his throat. He took in a shaky breath before gulping you down, even if it hurt him in the process. He had to keep you safe and this was the only way to protect you from his parents.

It has been a few days before Nightmare and Killer saw you in Crescent's room, not attacking you since you were a toddler now. They took you under their wing, taking care of you like a real family. Here you are, a beautiful young adult, living with a group of serial killers. You don't mind, they were your family afterall.

The End

Not requested by Idkamhelp. DarkSkele,your request will be done after this one, bye~

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