Lamia! Dream

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A/n: this one will be the last oneshot of the lamias and this chapter will be short. I will then begin with Loveverse! I found this multiverse around 4 days ago. Request will also be temporarily closed for now. Without further a do, let's begin this chapter. Enjoy~

" Y/nnnnnmnnnnn!" A very big naga yelled, furious with the mentioned person above." Gogogogogogo!" A small lamia said to another lamia." We are so dead!" The lamia said. The one who yelled is Nightmare, the one with the small lamia is Dream." You too Dream?! You both are dead to me! You are going to be in time out for a very long time." Nightmare said, playfulness and anger evident in his tone. You see, Y/n poured pink glitter in a bucket and hung it up in the kitchen. Now, here they are, laughing like it was the most funniest thing ever while running away from their older sibling. You must be wondering, what timeout is Nightmare talking about? Well, he will put you in a box. Not just any box, a negative box filled with a bit of positivity in the box. The positive side is to make sure that Dream doesn't get overwhelmed by the negative energy. Last time that happened, Dream almost killed himself by strangling himself. After he caught both of you, he put you both in the box." You both are staying in here for the night, since you poured pink glitter on me." He said. Dream was fine with it but you, you were pale. It got cold at night and both of your brothers didn't mind the cold but you did, you were half human and half snake.


It was nighttime and let me tell, IT WAS FUCKING COLD! You were shivering in your attempting figure to sleep. Dream noticed this and got an idea, a very stupid one but it could keep you warm. He picked you up and opened his mouth. You were about to decline his offer but, instead, got shoved into his maw, being careful with his venomous fangs around your body. It didn't take long until you were in his storage stomach, he went to sleep without another word. You couldn't complain, it was warm and it protected you in a way.

The End

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