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Requested by no one. Enjoy!

Seeing your brothers losing their sanity aftee the death of Alpha made you feel unwanted. They ignored you or even lashed out, not even apologizing afterwards. It made you feel... like you didn't belong. You wished that it was you instead and not him. You lost the shine and courage around 5 days ago, walking around like a husk- a puppet even! It didn't seem that your brothers took notice in your behavior until they found a bloodied knife and rope in your part of the anti-void. They confronted you but you just ignored, not caring about anything anymore.

It was currently morning and your brothers set up breakfast, calling you to come eat." I'm not hungry." You responded, sadness in all their sockets. One question was stuck to their minds: What have we done? If you kept this up, you would surely die. KM glanced at your door, uneasiness in the pit of his non-existent stomach.

You sat on your bed, not able to get access into the knife drawer because of locks and reasons. You didn't want anything to do with life anymore. You lost Alpha and your other brothers, taking it as a sign that they truly hated you which wasn't true. It was Fate, Fate's fault for using them to ignore you so that she could control you to do HER bidding.

2 weeks later

You started to get hungry, your body weak but you didn't care. You wanted to die a slow painful death, not having anything to live for. Your brothers tried to desperately feed you but to no avail. They failed, no matter their techniques.

Alpha couldn't watch this going on anymore, he hated to see you like this. He went into his 'physical' form, like Napstablook, and shrunk you. He held your frail form in his palms before opening his maw and placing you on his tongue, not wanting to harm you with his sharp teeth. Cealing you away from the world, he swallowed you gently before going back to ghost form, you safely in his stomach as he went back to Error404's head to rest. He'll let you out after he took a nap.

The End

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