Empireverse! Cross

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To be honest, you didn't know how big of a softy he really was.

Cross, the more 'serious' of the group, has a soft spot for you. He might be the leader of the gaurds in the Moon Empire but boy was he clingy. You were currently being cuddled by your own will but you didn't mind, seeing as your attempts of getting out of your prison seemed to be futile. You sighed, relaxing in his grip. The stress leaving your body like it was the wind. You closed your eyes, shut eye didn't sound so bad. Sleep took over your entire body.

Cross felt you go limp, knowing that you had fallen asleep in his hold. Chara walked by and immediately left after seeing Cross glare daggers at him. He knew he had to get to gaurd duty soon but didn't want to, too comfortable on the couch. Nevertheless, he got up and went to his gaurd post and got on his famous pokerface.

His duty was done and he could go back to cuddling you! He just wanted to cuddle you. Your frail form, your soft skin, your hair- everything about you seemed so angel-like. He couldn't describe how you looked, only the word angel was his best way to describe you.' Welp, looks like they are sleeping with me tonight.' He thought.

He layed in his bed, stomach full. Your fragile figure in his stomach as you both slept through the quiet night.

The End

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