Empireverse! Nightmare

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Requested by Femboy_Reader! Hope you enjoy!

Swords clashing and clanking against each other was heard, a war between two empires fighting against each other. The Sun Empire, their bright colours could warm your SOUL. The Moon Empire, secretive but very agile and prepared. People running away in fear, villages on fire as they ran without a second thought. Between all of the chaos, a young female ran in the crowd to where the war between the two empires took place. The leaders of the two empires fought against each other, wanting to kill the other. Dream, leader of the Sun Empire and his twin, Nightmare is the leader of the Moon Empire. Running between them as they went to do the final blow. Getting impaled by their weapons, they coughed but still looked at the two, vision blurring." No need to fight. Let's just-" falling to the ground, they blacked out. Nightmare looked enraged while Dream cried tears, fearing that the female died." All Moon Empire fighters, a member is down! I repeat, a member is down!" The Moon Empire guards looked more aggressive than before, craving for blood of their sworn enemy." Retreat! We'll get them next time!" After that, Nightmare picked up the young female with a tendril and opened a portal back to base." I won't allow you to take our hostage!" Ink fumed, not realizing his mistake. Nightmare stopped in his tracks, his lone eye wide as he turned his head side ways." W h a t   d i d  y o u   s a y?" Ink realized his mistake as a familiar axe was held to his throat, ready for the command to behead him." N e v e r   t a l k   a b o u t   h e r   l i k e   t h a t   a g a i n, g o t   t h a t?" Ink shut his eyes before getting pushed to the ground harshly, a growl followed before the sound of a portal closing was heard." Great job, Ink. Now he will attack us again without mercy!" Dream scolded him but he didn't pay attention to that, he thought about that look in his eye. It looked like-" SHOOT!" Startled, they jumped while Ink bolted to the village. He had to find that book! If what he saw in Nightmare's eye is true, he would be more surprised, despite his lack of emotion.

Meanwhile, with the Moon Empire

" Get out! I'll deal with this myself!" The rest of Moon Empire scrambled away from the medical center of the castle, Nightmare staying by her side." YES LORD NIGHTMARE!" Sighing, he looked back at the girl, her injuries being almost too severe to heal." Oh Y/n, you big goof." Gently picking her up, he opened his maw and shoved her in his mouth, being as gentle as he could. Her small, unconscious body sliding down his warm throat. Now, he wondered what would happen if she found out that he ate her? Meh, she'd probably scold him. At last, he got her fully tucked inside of him. Her small frame can be seen through his semi-translucent stomach. At least she would heal quicker and get a higher chance of survival.


Ink couldn't believe it, Nightmare actually looked concerned. The Feared King looked concerned for that mortal but why? Eh, he'll get some shut eye and come up with an explanation later.

Back with the Moon Empire

The rest of the Moon Empire fighters were surprised when Nightmare didn't leave the medbay for seven hours, knowing that he might be with by his girlfriend. When he did leave, however, a big red mark was seen on his cheek." NEVER DO THAT AGAIN YOU OCTOPUS!" At least Y/n was back to her old self, that's all that matters.

The End

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