Swapdream! Nightmare

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You were homeless. You lost your apartment 5 days ago because of rent and you lost your job. You have heard rumours of a criminal running around and killing people. 90% of those were criminals while the others were intruders from other Kingdoms. You were glad for whoever this mysterious person/monster was because they were saving the Kingdom. You didn't know that it was the King's lover, however. You were looking for another job but with no success. You sighed and went back to your place in the alleyway near the castle. The guards didn't do anything to you because they knew you were weak from day one. You were shorter than anyone in the village. It's said that the King and his lover were absolutely tall. They were as tall as 2 people. You never wanted to meet them at all. You didn't know what the King's lover looked like, heck, no one except for the guards knew what his lover looked like! You were really scared of them coming and exacuting you. You heard rumours also saying that skeletons love to eat homeless women. That was the other reason why you didn't want to meet them in person. You were the cautious-type of person that didn't trust anyone around you except for your friends or family. You didn't have any friends or other family except for your sister. You really needed medicine for her. She got a fever about 2 days ago, after losing your apartment and job. You saw your sister's box with a worn out blue blanket. You could care less about your health. Your sister was more important than you. You wanted her to be healthy and happy. She deserves everything. You always kept a look out for the King and his lover. It was nighttime and your sister was fast asleep while you were on guard for the King and his lover. You haven't slept once since you lost your home. You heard wings flapping and some sort of liquid dripping on the cold floor. You grabbed your sister and her sleeping gear before going into the larger box. You held your sister close as if she would break if you let go. You then heard a conversation but some of it." I... Find them... ey need help... yeah... plan... ready... search for... understand." The voices said. You wanted to hear more of the conversation when you made a sound. The voices stopped talking and you froze. You heard footsteps coming near your box. You held your sister protectively. The footsteps stopped right infront of your box. You looked up to see two skeletons. One was one you recognised as the King and the other one had goop and 4 tendrils.' The rumours are true! They are huge!' you thought. You were scared about 1 rumour being true: they were very tall. You weren't sure about the other rumour being true or false. When they saw your sister however, they almost cried. Your sister coughed and your attention was now on her. You were worried about her. Her fever got worse. The skeletons were looking at each other before nodding their skulls. You were grabbed by one of the goopy skeletons' tendrils and pulled out of the box. The other two slitherd around your body and secured you while the other one grabbed your sister and gave her to the King. You were scared for her. The King used healing magic on your sister while you watched in amazement. The next thing, however, terrified you. The King opened his mouth and shoved your sister's upper body in his maw. You turned your head around slowly to see the other skeleton doing the same thing as the King. You were about to scream but it was too late, your head was in his maw. The winged skeleton was done getting your whole sister's body in his throat and swallowed her, whole. Your shoulders were in his gullet now. You were terrified by this that your fear overtook your body and you were paralyzed. You felt yourself get swallowed. Your sister on the other hand finally reached the King's gut and was still sleeping as if nothing ever happened to her right now. Dream patted his gut in a "you're-safe-now" motion. You on the other hand were terrified, the complete opposite of your sister's personality. When you realised at the last second that you were in his stomach, you panicked and whimpered. You panicked so much that you didn't see how spacious the stomach of this skeletons gut. You felt a bony hand rub against the walls. Before you knew it you heard the flapping of wings and felt like you were in the air. You got sleepy and started to get into a more comfortable position. Once you got in a more comfortable position, you let darkness consume you.

You woke up with jolt and looked around to see that you were still in the monsters stomach but it was more... spacious? You didn't know. You looked around to see your sister, sleeping next to you. You were teleported out of the goopy skeletons' gut and saw that they were indeed taller than you.

You lived with them and worked for them in the castle.

The End

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