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Ink was just minding his business when he heard a giggle. He was confused for a brief second before a grin plastered on his face. He knew exactly who it is was. It was his adopted sister, Y/n Comyet. A very intelligent Lamia that was a human. She was the only one in her family that was human, very rare to give birth to a human if you're a monster. There was a 0.000001% chance of getting a human child that came from a monster family because monsters don't have any SOUL traits and their literally made out of magic. Y/n is one of those 0.000001% people but just a lamia. She might be small for her age but she is on heck of fighter. She is 106 years old since some of the monster genes were in her blood. Ink, Reaper and Cross are older than her by two+ years. Since she's part human and snake, she has to stay hidden because of her rarity. The bad guys knew about her existence of course but they never hunt her down because of her rarity but for her SOUL that she never had! They thought she had a powerful SOUL. She was born with no SOUL but with emotions while Ink has none of the emotions but does not have a SOUL. Now, here he is, sneaking up on Y/n to give her a little scare which he didn't know what would happen next." Boo!" He said, scaring Y/n really badly. Y/n, being spooked, slithered up a tree before falling off and landing on her back, breaking her back, making a loud cracking sound. Ink was worried and felt guilty for your injuries. Thank goodness you had a condition where you couldn't feel pain, otherwise he would've called Ruru to help with her broken back by carrying you. Ink sighed before picking you up and shoved you into his mouth. It took minutes but you were in his storage stomach, your safe haven where you got healed. It might be wet but it was a really good place to sleep. He slithered back to his place, the big cave.

The End

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