Empireverse! Killer

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" KILLER! COME TO THE THRONE ROOM IMMEDIATELY!" A voice echoed through the dark and creepy castle. A Basilisk with black stuff leaking out his eyes, rushed to the the mentioned room. He did not want see the wrath of his boss, it always ended up with punishments. Once he reached the room, he pushed open the doors to see Nightmare with Dream behind his leg and another being. Curious, he got closer but stayed low." Killer meet Y/n, Y/n meet Killer." The being made themselves visible and what Killer saw, shocked him. A tiny human with bandages on their arms and legs, their eyes filled with fear." Human child." That's all he could say, the child obviously curious of what he was and stepped closer to him." They are now your responsibility since they didn't approach the others. I'm gonna go tuck Dream in bed and if I come back and see them dead, I will literally torture you for 6 hours straight." Just the mention of the word torture made him shudder. Nightmare finally left with Dream, the teenager happily skipping to his room with Nightmare. The child looked at him before getting closer for his liking but didn't move." Are you a Basilisk?" A sudden voice asked, startling him before looking at the child." Yes?" Their eyes lit up." That's so cool!" A faint blush covered his face. No one has ever said that to him before and dang was this child adorable!" Mommy and daddy always said that Basilisks' weren't real! They always hurt me if I told them that you guys were real..." Did he hear that correctly? Did their parents hurt them if they denied what they said? Thoughts ran through his mind before a sudden yawn caught his attention." C'mon, let's tuck you in bed." He grabbed them by the back of their shirt with his jaws, carrying them out of the throne room and to his room. The others gave him a weird look but he glared at them, the skeletons not meeting his gaze as he slithered by. He made it to his room and used his tail to open the door, slithering in the dimly lit room. Heading to his massive nest, he layed the child down gently, curling around them in a protective way." If boss didn't kill ya then you must be very special." He said to no one in particular, closing his eyes and unaware of the next day will bring.

" KID?! WHERE ARE YOU?!" The whole castle was searching for the kid, even Error himself!" How the heck are we gonna find them?!" Horror yelled. Killer finally felt something kick in, something he tried to hide from the child: his instincts. He tried to ignore and fight against it but failed miserably, his instincts took over and all his senses heightened, his hollow eyesockets revealed slits of a predator. Dull as they were, no one noticed. Flicking his tongue, he smelled their scent. Slithering in that direction, the others noticed but thought of it as nothing, thinking that Killer was looking around in worry. Oh, how wrong they were. He followed their scent and it led to the front doors, the only thing that blocked the icy cold air from the castle. He, however, didn't bother to think twice as he opened the doors and slithered into the snowy wonderland. A second scent was smelled, one he was all too familiar with: blood. The predatory instincts took full control while he desperately pleaded for the creature to not harm the child. The creature ignored the pleas from its head and found the child huddled up against the tree, blood pooling out of their arm from something that attacked them. Killer started to desperately try to take control but failed, the creature slithering to them as it got ready to eat them but it would soon shock Killer. The creature circled around the child before opening its maw, the venomous fangs getting closer and closer. Engulfing their head in its maw gently, it started to slither its slimey tongue coiling around their head and around their small body. Opening its maw, it pulled their body in its maw fully, closing its maw after the child entered. The Basilisk just used Killer's body to eat an innocent child?! How was he going to explain this to Nightmare?! The creature gulped the child down its gullet, the ecto-flesh being slippery and brought them down its throat with no trouble. Then Killer thought how the host, that took over his body, acted. It was gentle and didn't seem to have any intention of harming them. Did it café about them aswell? Did it see how important they were to him? His questions were finally answered when a sudden voice answered him, one that he recognized." They are safe, Killer. They are in your chest where your SOUL will lull them to sleep and where they can heal. I just swallowed them because I care about them and because of how important they are to you. I would never harm an innocent child, not even kill one." Did it just confess that it cared about them? Yes, yes it did. It gave Killer control and he slithered back to the castle, not wanting to tell them that he swallowed the adventurous child.

The End

No part two

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