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If you don't know who he is then please go Google 'vantablack! Ink sans. For those who do know who he is, enjoy.

" What the fu- Black! No!" A male/female voice shouted, trying to pry off a very strong tentacle made out of tar and purple outline that held them in the air. That person was Y/n L/n." No can do, painting!" A very deep voice said. Vantablack, an octopus version of Ink." I thought I told you to stop calling me by that nickname!"" But you love the nickname I gave you!" He said, using his famous seductive stare and voice to make Y/n flustered. It worked and they kept on saying words like 'baka' or ' I do like it' in a whispering voice. He heard the last part and immediately grinned." So you do like that nickname? Hmm?" He asked. You on the other hand, tried to wiggle out of the tentacle that held you in place." N-no! Baka!" You yelled out. All of a sudden, a loud growl erupted from Vantablack. You're eyes widened and fear took over your body. Vantablack looked at his stomach before looking at you with hunger and love." Shhhhh~ Don't worry, I'll be gentle." He said, bringing you close to his face and caressing your cheek to calm you down. It didn't work and made you cry slightly. He licked your tears away, making you shake in fear." Shshshhhhh~ Please don't cry, you'll be safe in there." That made your shaking stop but not the fear that was still in your figure. He put his massive paintbrush down by using his tentacles before they disappeared in his back. He used his hand to cover your eyes before opening his maw. He removed his hand hand away from your eyes to be only met with your eyes shut tightly. He engulfed your entire head in his maw, making sure that you were alright before he shoved your shoulders further in his maw, your head in his oesophagus and waiting for you to calm down a little while he had to catch his breath. He wanted to get you in his stomach quickly but you were scared so, he took it slow. He shoved you further into his oesophagus, letting a yelp come from Y/n who was a bit surprised. He didn't mind and waited for a few seconds before swallowing her/him. Your head popped into a more spacious area and you began to whimper. He heard your whimpering and took a big, strong gulp that made you yelp. The only thing visible outside his maw was your calves. He took a deep breath and swallowed the last swallow he needed to get your calves in his throat and tracing them down to where his now swollen gut is with your fragile body. He took a deep breath and exhaled before gently rubbing circles where his lover, now being pray, was stored. Whimpering was still heard but it was almost inaudible but he heard it." Don't worry, you're safe. I'll protect you." He said.

In his stomach

Y/n heard those words and trusted his/her boyfriend. They yawned slightly.

Outside his stomach

"Tired?" He asked." Y-*yawn* yes." You said." I think you should rest now, painting. It is very late." He said. The sound of his SOUL beating slowly and his voice lulled you you to sleep.

The End

A/n: Sorry for not updating this book for so long, no one really requested anything and I started to lose hope but thankfully, I was determined to make another chapter. Bye~

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