Bill Sans

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Bill pov

I was hanging- well, more like annoying Error 404. He ignored me for quite a while but started to get a bit... angry? He is never angry, just... annoyed whenever I bother him. This sudden behaviour was strange and I was suspicious. I decided to keep an eyesocket on him, to see what caused him to change so drastically.

Error 404 pov

I swear that if Bill doesn't stop annoying me then I will use his sorry ass as a punching bag. I never got mad at him if he annoyed me, I just hope he doesn't notice my sudden behaviour. King Multiverse and I had to visit Harmony in five minutes." I'm gonna go ask King Multiverse for help with something, you can go back to your au before I call Fatal Error to come kick your butt." I said." Awwwwww, I wanted to chat with you a bit longer~" If I was human then my face would be as red as a tomato for being mad." Just- go back to your au before I get my blaster to kick your butt." I said. He looked at me with a look that I don't know before he sighed and teleported away. I sighed in relief and went to KM's place, nodded and opened a portal to Harmony's chamber. I was unaware of Bill following us. Once we got there, we saw Harmony crying and bruised. I just wanted to destroy this place but, I could kill innocent experiments. Harmony told us a few days ago that there is 4 scientist that tried to do as little experimenting as they can on her. We were both taken back by this sudden information but got over it.

No pov

King Multiverse and Error 404 started to play with Harmony, Bill watching in shock to see the five year old experiment. He thought of all the deals that he could make with her, a five year old girl that was scared of anything that made a loud sound.

Bill has kept an eyesocket on the small being for almost 3 months straight. He tried making a deal with her but all she did was whimper, cry, back away and to scream her lungs out. Today would be a bit different.

Harmony pov

I was scared of seeing the monster infront of me. They always tried to ask or tell me something but I never gave them a chance as I kept on trying to get away from them, I wanted to ask for comfort but I was too scared. I was snapped out of my thoughts as I was picked up- picked up?! I looked at the monster, scared that he might harm me.

Bill pov

I licked my 'lips' before opening my mouth. I found out that her name is Harmony, she is a different human. She is kind to others but still scared of anything that moved. I didn't even realise that I placed them in my mouth and swallowed them but I did when a scream snapped me back into reality. I sighed before casting a spell on her, causing her to sleep." Rest well, little Harmony. See you in the morning~" I said before going back to my au.

The End

Requested by ultimastarwolfie1264. Hope you enjoyed. Bye~

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