Fallen Star Sanses

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Requested by UndertaleAUS101. Go check them out! They write awesome stories and I love it! Let's help them get over 8 followers and 10k reads for all their stories! Hope you enjoy this lovely chapter.

Crying, that's all that was heard in the empty city. If you listen closely, you'll hear what the creature is saying." DON'T LEAVE ME! PLEASE, I NEED YOU!" the crying creature said. In the city, four figures are seen in the street where three of them are limp and unmoving while the other was crying. Four humans, that's what the creatures were. The two larger humans were parents, the other looked young and seemed to be a sister/brother. The other was a crying mess, mourning at the limp people. They kept screaming, shouting for them to come back!
But nothing, they were dead. The person who was crying is Y/n, a very young child who seemed to be in their teen years. They kept crying, standing up and running away from the cold, lifeless eyes that bored holes into them. The negativity that they produced was very strong, grabbing the attention of three specific giant skeletons.

Y/n's pov

I couldn't believe it, my parents are dead and I am all alone.' Why couldn't I be the one to die?! Why them and not me?! Why?' I asked myself in my thoughts, crying more than I thought I could. I felt the ground shaking and- wait, the ground shaking? I stopped thinking and looked at the city, my eyes widening. There, in the my destroyed city, are three giant skeletons. I stopped crying, standing up and backing away slowly." There!" The one with a paint smudge on his cheek said, grabbing the attention of the other two. When they saw me, they started to walk in my direction. I bolted, I was scared of the intimidating sizes of them." Wait! Human!" The blue one said, holding a dusted knife which didn't make me stop, I didn't stop running.

No pov

" Wait! Human!" Yanberry said, trying to calm the tiny girl calm. That plan failed as they saw the knife before disappearing into the forest." Looks like they ran in the forest." Ink said, his emotionless voice said." You think we don't know that?!" Blue yelled." Enough!" Shattered said, earning the others attention." Let's just grab the human and get out of here before we destroy this Au." Yanberry and Ink nodded in agreement before going in the forest to look for the human. It turned from searching to a rescue mission as they saw blood. They followed the trail which lead them to a cave." How are we going to get in there to see if the human is in there?" Yanberry asked." I could use an illusion and see if they are in there, if not then we'll destroy this A-" Shattered was cut off when a scream was heard. It wasn't in the cave but it sounded close. Yanberry and Shattered's eyesockets widened before following the scream. What they found was horrorfying.

Ink's pov

When we reached the source of the scream, my sockets widened at what we saw. Despite my lack of emotions, I felt horrorfied when I saw the human all bloodied and full of scars." What happened to them?!" I asked bending down and picking them up as gently as I can." We don't know!" Yanberry said." Just give them to me so I can heal them." Shattered said." But you don't have healing mag- oh, oh, oooohhhhh. That healing?" Yanberry asked. Shattered nodded, making our eyesockets widen. I hesitantly gave the fragile human to Shattered and he held them infront of his mouth before putting them on his tongue. We are used to this because he did this to us when Sci threw Yan and I with a potion. Shattered gulped them down before looking at us." Let's go, shall we?" We followed him through a portal.
Yanberry's route:

Yan looked at the human before picking them up. He looked at the other two before they realised what he was doing. They nodded their head before Yan put them in his mouth and swallowed them. After reaching his stomach, they went through a portal.
Ink's route:

Ink held you in his hands before realising something. He looked at his friends. They looked at him before he told them what he was doing. Their eyesockets widened, surprised that their emotionless friend was willing to help a human. Shattered nodded his head in approval. Ink looked back at your small form in his hands before placing you on his tongue and swallowed you. After you landed in his stomach, the three of them went back to their base.

The End

I am making seperate chapters for each of them! Bye~

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