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You were one of Aliza's best friend. Actually her only friend and the only one who saw her mother. You are also 5 while Aliza was 19. When you heard Aliza went to Mount Ebott and jumped in the hole, you broke down into a sobbing mess. You couldn't eat nor drink, sleep and you never left your 'home' but only when you needed to.

It's been 6 months after the accident. Your 6th birthday was tommorow and you didn't have anyone to celebrate with. Did I mention that you lived on the streets and didn't have parents? It was terrible but it was better than nothing. You were still thinking about whether you should jump down Mount Ebott's hole. You made your decision and got up. You walked through town with your dirty ragged clothes. People were disgusted but some of them gave you sympathetic looks. You paid no mind and went onwards. You got out of town and walked towards your destination, Mount Ebott. You reached a pathway that you assumed went towards the infamous Mount Ebott. You followed the path and your theory was correct, the pathway led you to the infamous Mountain. You climbed up the Mountain. You struggled but managed to get to the top of the mountain. You saw the hole and smiled a sad smile while starting to cry. You turned around with your arms and fell back into the black abyss. On your way down, you passed out due to hitting your head really hard on a rock.

You woke up to see that you have survived by some miracle. You were in soooooo much pain that you couldn't stand. You decided to stay like this for a few minutes to ease the pain a little bit. After waiting for 20 minutes for the pain to ease a little bit, you got up and saw a purple door. You walked towards it and opened it with all your strength to open the door, tears were in the corners of your eyes. You walked through and saw a patch of flowers. You walked away with a feeling of being watched. You turned around and saw a fairy monster. It had ragged teeth, bloody claws and its eyes looked full of... hunger. You were in battle with it and it attacked you. You fought with it you were on 6/20 HP. You used the little energy you had and pressed mercy. You saw the battle vanish and you earned 50 gold and 0 EXP. You were glad and took out a piece of candy that you found in the RUINS at a shop/station. No one seemed to be at the shop/station and it said something like," Take as much as you need" or something along those lines. You popped it in your mouth and your health instantly went back to 20/20. You got up and walked. You kept on walking until you reached two massive purple doors. You pushed them open and was instantly welcomed with snow. It welcomed you with cold, open arms. You instantly wrapped your arms around your upper torso. You took the first step and almost collapsed. You walked with bare feet on the icy snow. You were halfway through the forest before the cold got to you and you collapsed. You were DETERMINED to get up. You swore that you heard voices. You didn't stay awake long enough to see who the voices belonged to.

"Y/n!" A feminine voice called out to you. It was Aliza with her father. She, Aliza, was horrified by the condition you were in. Her father, Axe, was surprised to see his own daughter hugging you, a human he never met before and by looks of your hight, he guessed that you were around 6 years old. Aliza's eyes widen when she felt your body temperature. It was super cold. She ingulfed your small form into an embrace to atleast give you some heat. It was working a little. A little. Axe was deep in thought of why you fell down." Daddy! She's freezing! Please help her!" His daughter said while sobbing. His attention was snapped towards her voice and walked towards the both of you. Aliza stood up, with you in her arms, and hugged you a little tighter." Give her to me, precious." Axe, her father, said. Aliza hesitated but obyed and handed you over to her father." Precious" her father said loud enough for Aliza to hear." Yes daddy?" she asked." I know you might like this idea but... I think that IT is the only way to keep her warm..." He said with a bit of hesitance in his tone. Her eyes went wide. She knew what he was implying on but she never thought of him doing IT to help save you." W-what! There has to be another way!" She exclaimed, looking everywhere for another way to keep you warm and save." I'm afraid that there is no other way, precious. Everyone in the underground knows to not mess with me. IT will keep her warm and safe 'til we get back home. She's not save out in the open. If it had been anyone else, she would be dead meat. Pls, precious, this is the only way and I'm drained out of magic." He said. He had a point. He didn't have any magic so he couldn't defend the three of you. If others saw you being carried by either of you, a monster(s) would go report you to Undyne and she will take your SOUL and give it to King Asgore so that he can break the barrier but if her dad ate you, no monster would notice. It was either option A: Take the risk or B: Play it safely. She finally made a decision." Fine but if we get home, you WILL let her out. Okay, daddy?" Aliza told her dad." Okay, I promise." He said before he told Aliza to turn around and to be on the lookout for monsters. He held you infront of his face. He opened his mouth and carefully dropped your head in his maw. He took the first gulp, sending your small frame into the back of his throat. Because of how small and vulnerable you were, he did quick work of you but in a gentle and kind manner. Your head popped into his stomach as you slowly made your entrance. He took the final gulp which was ridiculously and unrealisticly strong. You were now fully tucked away into him." Okay, precious. You can turn around now." He told his daughter. Aliza turned on her heel and saw the small swell that your form was making in his gut. To be honest, he looked a little bit chubbier than before but no one would notice. She sighed before walking back home with her father and you in his safe and warm haven-like gut." How old is she, precious?" He asked." She is turning 6 years old tomorrow. Why?" She asked. His eyesockets went wide when he heard how old you were." Just curious is all, precious." He said. It was the truth in all honesty.

You woke up and the first thing you felt was warmth. You were curious and opened your eyes to only be blinded by a bright light. You adjusted your eyes and looked around for the source of where the warmth came from. You looked down with tears in your dinnerplate-like eyes. You saw Aliza and a skeleton with a massive hole in his head on either side of you, embracing you. You also felt refreshed as if you had a bath. You lifted your head slightly and saw that you wore new clothes. You also looked alot cleaner and better than before. You felt like being watched and looked down to only yelp in surprise. The skeleton shifted and sat upright, legs crossed and looking down at you. You looked up at him and squeaked when he touched your weak spot. He retracted his arm and outstretched them and embraced you. You felt tired now. You fell asleep in his embrace. Before you slipped into the darkness completely, you heard a chuckle and a voice saying, " Good night, kiddo." and slipped into unconsciousness


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