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Lum is Lust! Nightmare. I found it with a pic and I started to simp for him on day one! His adorable 😍. Eros is Error. Also, Dream is Lem but I can't remember who the others are... This is a 9 in one oneshot!


Y/n, an intelligent person, walked to an old cabin where they would meet their best friend. Well, ex- best friend now. When they arrived, the thing that they heard broke their heart." Can you believe that I have a friend like Y/n!? They are sooo clumsy and dumb, they don't even know what 40 × 60 is! I wish we were never friends!" F/n said. Those words, those very words, almost made them lose their emotions. They ran, ran far away from the conversation, away from F/n, away from her family. 'How could I be so oblivious!' They thought, tears streaming down their cheeks as they ran into an unknown place. While they produced negative energy, a certain goopy, lustful skeleton sensed their negativity. It brought power but also didn't feel right in his very SOUL, something didn't feel right. He decided to put on his normal clothes: revealing clothes. He had to get ready for incase he had to obsorb the negativity physically, eating the owner of such energy. It didn't take long when he found you, crying your eyes out. He got on his normal stance and facial expression before grabbing you with one of his tentacles. You squeeked in surprise but stopped when you were pushed into a wet, soft and dark cavern. It was tight and it seemed to be warm, it also brought you deeper into said cavern. When you reached your destination, you saw the outside world tinted in black and a bit of pink. You saw a skeletal hand before everything went black.


Who knew that a lustful skeleton was going to be your friend, especially a guardian of positivity. Not you, that's for sure. Lem, the Guardian of Positivity, was your best friend. When the two of you first met each other, it was when you protected his brother against his bullies to which he was greatful for. You remembered it like it was yesterday, the memory still fresh in your mind. You two were just walking around, nothing special until you both stumbled upon where you were freezing. Lem did something and it was still as fresh as freshly baked bread in your mind: he put his hoodie around you, very unexpected from someone with intentions of being lustful. You both decided to go lay down, Lem sat you on his lap. You were flustered very easily since you were still a bit shy. Lem chuckled, amused by your flustered state. You, on the other hand, pouted like a child. He then got an old memory of when he first ate you, you were scared at first but got used to it. He wondered if he could eat you now. His ecto stomach would show your form but he didn't care at all. He took a glimpse of you, you were sleeping. Perfect. He opened his mouth and put your head in his pinkish yellow maw. He grabbed your shoulders, firmly before gulping you down. His gulps were strong but gentle, he got your entire body in, in under 6 minutes. It wasn't even 2 minutes before he fell asleep himself.


You are Y/n, Y/n the bitty! You fell down from a random portal. You tried to think of all the possibilities of how you got teleported in a weird castle. It was really nice and pretty for a castle but it felt off, you felt like you were being watched. You were about to stand up before jaws surrounded your entire body, packed by needle like teeth. Being surrounded by jaws with needle like teeth actually scared you. The teeth sank into your fragile skin, making you squeek in pain. Your captor jolted in surprise before relaxing. Horror had you in his jaws, trying not to hurt you accidentally with his teeth. Since he wanted a bitty for so long, he couldn't get one because of his clothing and because his boss would surely eat them but not digest them. The rule is: if you own a bitty, you would have to eat them to keep them safe. It is only when you feel like they need to be protected. Now back to you, you thought the total opposite. You thought that you were going to die in a stomach, not able to say prayers. Since you were a bitty that was overwhelmed with fear, you passed out due to the overwhelming fear. You didn't even feel the ecto muscle lick you  to lick all the blood it could get off of your small body.

When you woke up, you were in a weird, pinkish red place. It was unfamiliar, wet, squishy and comfortable. You just curled up in a ball and went back to sleep, unaware that a skeleton with a quarter of his skull missing, putting his skeletal hand over his stomach.

Wanted to do something else
... Next are Killer, Ink and Erros

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