Giant! Nightmare!Sans

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Y/n L/n, a very famous celebrity, wondered around the massive forest to meet a certain goopy giant. It didn't take long before they heard loud footsteps approaching your spot where you were. They looked up and saw the one they were waiting for, Nightmare. How they met was in the weirdest way possible. Now here they are, chatting with each other as if they have known each other for years. This is why Y/n always said that they were in a hurry and being missing for a week or two but always come back as if nothing has ever happened. It was starting to get dark but they didn't seem to mind. They sat there, waiting for something amazing to happen. The stars, the stars had finally decided to come out of hiding and show their beauty along with the moon. This is what both giant and human have been waiting for, for the night sky to show its beauty. Sadly, Y/n felt cold but tried to hide it from Nightmare. That plan failed as they were picked up gently." Y'know I can warm you up, right?" He said, a playful smirk spreading across his face." Nooooooo!" Y/n pouted, knowing what might happen next. As they predicted, he opened his maw. They were gently placed in the wet cavern, the hot air warming up there fragile body instantly. Nightmare closed his mouth and tilted his head back, letting Y/n slide down and into his throat. Before Y/n could take a breather, they were swallowed. Y/n has experienced this a few times but it still gave them chills. Without realising how deep they were in thought, they landed in his stomach. They decided to take a nap but before they got the chance to take a nap, Nightmare's booming voice asked," I'm adopting you since I found out your little secret, Y/n. You're a sixteen year old girl who lost their parents two days ago. You could've told me, but I understand that you didn't want me to worry about it." He said, Y/n froze. They decided to just sleep it off and figure it out the next morning.

The End

Requested by UndertaleAUS101

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