Kraken! Nightmare! Sans

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I'm gonna do something a bit different than I normally do which is doing one where a Sans eats a Sans. Inspired by a oneshot by Idkamhelp! Hope you enjoy!

Requested by: no one
Characters: Dream and Nightmare
About: Dream is a kind person who sailed over the seas and one day, a storm came and destroyed the ship.

It was a gorgeous day but there was a massive storm that started to get worse with every minute that went by. The storm was destroying a very well known crew's ship. Dream Joku, the captain of the ship and a skeleton, frantically tried to get all his crew to aboard the ship and to get them to safety as soon as possible. He got the last of the life boats off before lightning striked and the mother ship was on fire, splitting the ship in half. Dream panicked, trying to get away from the fire as he heard the cries of his crew to look out. It was too late as one of the pillars fell on his legs, being to heavy to get off of him alone. He tried and tried but it just wouldn't budge, the angry waters roared in anger. The ship sunk beneath the surface of the angry waves, causing him to start drowning. He got free but got caught in a fishnet, getting tangled in it as he tried to get out if it. He was successful but the air in his non-existant lungs started to run out. His eyelights started to dull.

Dream pov

'This was it, drowning for saving my crew.' I thought as  I started to sink deeper in the open water.' I'm sorry everyone. Ink, Blue... I am sorry for not listening to you.' I thought, not noticing two massive cyan eyelights staring at my sinking body. Before I passed out, I saw a tentacle grab me before everything went black.

Nightmare pov

" Dream? Wake up! Please!" I begged him under the surface, realising that he couldn't breathe underwater!" Dream! Please! Hold on!" I said before I shoved his skull in my maw, shoving the rest of his small figure in my mouth. It took one swallow to get him in my throat and another to send him towards my stomach. I felt him slide down before I felt movement! I felt movement! I looked down at my stomach area with relief, knowing that I saved him just in time. I knew that he was still unconscious because there was shallow breathing that came from him. I put a hand to where he was and smiled.' Don't worry, I will keep you safe until you wake up.' I thought before swimming back to my cave, hoping that my boyfriend was going to understand why I ate him.

The End

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