Feral! Horror

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Requested by Idkamhelp. Their oc is in here since they requested this. Mrs. Octo will be in corrupted form but might be out of character. Enjoy~


Everywhere she looked, she saw darkness. She knows that she landed in a random au but never knew which one due to her passing out in the snow, being very dangerous. Her goop started freezing, she knew that. She looked like a popsicle but frozen with ice. She prayed to whatever God there was to send someone to her rescue, her wish being granted.

Butcher had a feeling that something was... off, a small voice telling him to go to the woods. He listened to the voice, not wanting to dismiss this. It could be Frisk! He ran out of the house and into the woods, too focused to save Frisk from danger. When he got there however, he saw a sight that angered him." What the hell is SHE doing here?!" His eyes narrowed, seeing Mrs. Octo again made him angry. He was cautious, not wanting her to attack him again." You look weaker. Heh, and I thought that you were t-" He got cut off at the innocent expression she had, surprising him. Never had he thought that a SPH ( Super Psycho Hybrid) would look so innocent, especially the friend of Nightmare." Whyyyyy?" He whined, hating himself to have a soft spot for innocent looks. His tail curled around his hindlegs, not sure what he should do. He could put her in his pouch but his mind said otherwise, his mind said to let her die. He decided to pit her in his pouch, her innocent expression got the best of him. He opened his maw and let his tongue prevent her from getting scars from his teeth. Heh, she was like an icicle. He looked at her, magic surging through her body and she shrunk to the size of a child. He swallowed and it sent her straight to his pouch, her cold figure sliding down his soft and adaptive insides.

She didn't know where the sudden warmth came from but was grateful nonetheless, glad that someone was helping her from her weakness. She would spare whoever's au this is and protect them from getting destroyed.

Butcher went back to his house, his three adopted children confused about the sudden guest but shrugged it off.


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