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Okay, to make things clear: Frisk and Chara do NOT share the same body as in the au. Without further a-do, let's start.

The cold air hit your (f/c) fur. The air was so cold that it made you shiver. Even if you lived in Snowdin, the cold still got to you. It didn't bother you that much, though, a warm coat would've been helpful to put over your sweater. Now, you must be wondering: WHY THE F*CK ARE YOU IN THE COLD?! Well, you were heading back to your house where Frisk and Chara were waiting. Those poor kids must be worried sick about your whereabouts." Why out so late, Y/n?" Your whole body tensed up, anger and fear crept into your SOUL."" You had to grit your teeth to prevent you from lashing out at the monster behind you." Oh, you know, where you are hiding the children that keep on doing the genocide route."" I'm never telling you nor would you understand, Sans." You took a glance behind you to see the skeleton standing there in all his glory." And don't try to hide your true self from me, Sans. You and I both know that I know what you look like behind that little illusion." His eyelights went out, grin faltering as sweat went down his skull. His skull had a massive crack which intimidated you to no end, though, you were 'determined' to protect Frisk and Chara from Sans." What do you mean by 'you wouldn't understand' anyway?" His eyelights returned." You wouldn't understand, you just wouldn't!" You turned around and bolted." Y/n! St-" You ignored him." He wouldn't understand anyway." You muttered before taking a left.

You arrived back in the house, being successful to cover your tracks." Y/n!" You turned around, only to get tackled by two figures." Frisk! Chara! I'm glad to see you too!" You laughed and gave them a bone-crushing hug." Where were you?! We were so worried!" Chara began to shed tears." I'm so sorry I worried you. The que was long and I ran into.... Sans." You said his name with venom. Frisk and Chara froze, eyes getting watery." Y-you d-didn't t-tell h-"" No, I could never. You're just children being used to do THEIR dirty work." You brought them closer to your chest." W-we're scared!" Frisk finally spoke for the first time today." Hey, if Sans comes here: I'll do everything in my power to protect you. If he even comes near you: you know what to do."" Turn into our SOUL forms and let you consume us." They both said monotonously." Correct, just like I did the first time I met you. Now, it's getting late. We should head to bed." The two 8-year-olds nodded before yawning." Let's get you to bed." Being the kind, gentle and motherly wolf-monster you were, you used your muzzle to grab the scruffs of their sweaters and walked on your front and hind paws to your room.

It wasn't long before you heard the sound of bones scraping against your roof. You shot up, Frisk and Chara following suit." Sans. I should've known." You said as a low growl emitted from your throat. The two 8-year-olds pressed themselves against you as best as they could." Frisk and Chara, you know what to do." Knowing that it would be safer, they turned into their SOUL forms." Y/n~ Where are you?" You quickly engulfed the two bright red SOULS and quickly swallowed, not wanting to risk them being found." Y/n? Tell me where they are and maybe, I'll consider sparing you~" You felt them enter your pouch inside underneath your stomach." Y/n? Tell me: where are those dirty brother murderers? They deserve hell!"" THEY ARE CHILDREN, SANS! F*CKING CHILDREN!" You growled so loud that it took Sans by surprise. You turned around, being face to face with the skeleton. Though, he was in his real form. He had spider legs, where his legs were was a scorpion tail with a pink tip, yellow teeth and the same crack and eyelights as before." Yes, children who murdered my brother every genocide route they take!" You were getting frustrated, magic building up inside your pouch to protect the two SOULS." You know NOTHING about them! You don't know ANYTHING about their lives! I was the ONLY one who listened! The ONLY one who UNDERSTANDS them! The ONLY one, who took them under MY wing! The only ONE who knows WHY they took the genocide route. I UNDERSTAND them! UNLIKE YOU, YOU JUST ASSUME THAT THEY ENJOY SEEING US MONSTERS SUFFER! THEY DON'T! THEY ARE F*CKING 8, SANS! F*CKING 8!" Tears rolled down your furry cheeks as you finished your outburst. Sans was... shocked. He never saw you this angry, not since you lost your parents." Y/n-"" Don't 'Y/n' me! You are a judge, a terrible one." You lowered your wolf ears in a threatening matter. Although you were smaller and more vulnerable than Sans, you sure as HELL were a fighter." Y/n-"" SHUT UP!" You yelled, fangs bared and jaws snapping at Sans.

Chara and Frisk almost turned back to their physical forms, if it wasn't for the magic inside the pouch that prevented that. They heard the entire thing. They were scared and relieved. Scared about your sudden rage and relieved that you were protecting them from Sans. They wanted to calm you down, though, they both knew better than to expose themselves.

Sans... he felt- he felt angered by Y/n calling him a terrible judge, though, she was right: he knew NOTHING about their lives. He just assumed that they were enjoying everyone's suffering and death. Though, knowing you, you were never wrong." Y/n-" But the she-wolf-monster didn't give him a chance to speak as she threw an attack next to his skull. A warning. His eyelights were shrunken, sweat forming on his skull." Leave." She snarled. Another warning. He left immediately, not wanting to get on her bad side.

After Sans teleported away, Y/n regurgitated the two SOULS who immediately started calming her down." He is gone, don't worry." They whispered sweet nothings into her sensitive ears.

It took a lot of comforting but, Frisk and Chara managed to calm her down." L-let's head back to bed, yeah?" Y/n asked as she curled up." Y...yeah..." They both fell asleep against the soft fur of Y/n." Goodnight, Frisk and Chara."" Goodnight, mom..." Y/n smiled and watched as the two 8-year-olds went to sleep before her expression turned serious. She knew that he didn't actually leave. She stood up and went outside to Sans standing in the open." I thought I told you to leave."" And you should never leave humans unsupervised." Realizing her mistake, she rushed back inside to see what she feared. Frisk and Chara's lifeless bodies, bone attacks everywhere." See, I'm not THAT bad. Am I?" He was proud of himself before a paw slapped him across the cheek. He was taken back. He was about to yell at her before he stopped at the sight of her betrayed expression, tears streaming down her cheeks." You just killed my daughters... they aren't the real murderer: you are." Sans just... he felt horrible. He- he didn't know-" I hope you burn in hell." Everything turned into a battle box." It's a windy day outside, the flowers are dead, birds are frozen. On cold days like these, judges like you..." Sans was terrified." SHOULD BURN IN HELL!" Attacks came left and right at inhuman speeds, causing Sans to teleport away from most of these attacks. He pressed mercy which only seemed to anger her more." Don't show me mercy, not after what you've done." Her anger was shown when she used her strongest attack, one Sans NEVER wanted to see." You shall PAY!" And with that, she triggered it before pressing reset.


" I'm so glad that you're alright." Y/n held the two 8-year-olds close to her chest." Y/n?" She quickly stiffed the two children into her maw and swallowed, taking Sans by surprise." Stay away from my children." She was about to leave before she was held by blue magic." Y/n, look, I'm sorry. I didn't k-"" NOW you apologize?!" Y/n was furious, he knew that." Y/n, look, I didn't know that they were your kids." Sans sounded... sorry? He should be." Well then, if you were REALLY sorry then why didn't YOU listen to them? Why?" He... didn't know why either."..." He stayed silent." Exactly." Though, he wanted to make it up to her. And what better way to make it up to her than consuming her?

He opened his maw and engulfed Y/n's head, causing her to struggle. He kept going, his fake flesh pulling her further inside of his esophagus. He gulped, pushed and gulped again. To be honest, he remembered when his father did this to him when he was just a babybones.

Y/n struggled when her body started to enter the yellow translucent dome known as Sans' stomach. Her body started to enter, slowly. She was shocked and angered, though, all that mattered to her was to protect the two 8-year-olds until her last breath.

Y/n was fully inside his ecto-stomach. He sighed before turning back to his usual skeleton self." Hope you enjoy it in there 'cause I am not letting you go any time soon." He teased before heading back to his home. He felt Y/n struggle but, paid no mind.

The End

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