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Sona's au was destroyed and only he and Frisk survived. Neither of them knew that they both survived.
You were injured. You opened a portal that led you to another void. You stepped into the portal and collapsed. The sound echoed throughout the empty void. Sona heard the noise and started looking for the source. He was about to give up when he saw something in the distance. He walked towards you.
You heard footsteps coming towards your direction and looked up to only see a skeleton."... Help... me." Was all you said before you blacked out.
"... Help... me." Was all Sona heard before he saw you black out.When he saw your body with injuries, he immediately took action. He healed the injuries before looking at you. You were a female human with a black and yellow t-shirt with blue basketball shorts. He observed you and decided to look at your stats.

Name: Y/n L/n
Age: 24
HP: 18/30
LV: 1
Defence: 6
Attack: 14

He had shock written all over his face. He was in a daze. He snapped out of his daze to see you awake.
You groaned shutting your eyes to adjust them to the bright room. You finally saw a skeleton staring at you. Your eyes went wide. You were surprised to see another au Sans. His stomach rumbled and he looked at you with hunger in his eyes. You stood up and started bolting. He went after you and shrunk you a little bit to make it easier to catch you. You were now the size of his pinky and you were tired. You collapsed. He saw this and became a bit worried. He approached you and picked you up." Ple... ase d-don't ... eat m..e" was what you said out of breath. He opened his mouth and tossed you in. He shut his mouth shut, trapping you. He tilted his head slightly and you slid right into his throat. He then took the first gulp, sending you to his stomach. When you reached his stomach, you began sobbing."Hey... don't be scared, you're safe." He said and, before you knew it, you passed out.


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