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Requested by Paperjamsans1234. I just wanna say that I am making this a brotherly vore. Enjoy

You were a bunny and your step-brother was a wolf. His name is Error and he loved you. You must be wondering," Why and when did he take you in?" Well, I'll show you!


You were running or should I say hopping away from your so called friends and parents. You just found out that they were going to feed you to the wolf King and his mate, known as Nightmare and Dream. You were scared and kept on running tears in your eyes. You ran into the woods without a care in the world, unaware of a certain multicolored wolf and his friends watching you. They were playing before hearing a bush russle. They growled before seeing bunny at the age of three months running/hopping away from something with tears. It wasn't their hunting hour so you were safe. Their hunting hour was in ten minutes anyway. They left to go hunt, except for Error. He saw 12 figures after you. Him being suspicious about those figures, walked after them. When he found an opening, he saw blood. That got his interest and he followed the trail, seeing the most brutal thing ever. You were laying on the ground with the figures, that he saw earlier, beating you up. This made him mad for some reason unknown to him. When your friends and family were done and about to drag you, Error came and attacked them. He killed them before your very eyes. Your vision began to blur and then, darkness.

~Tine skip~

You awoke and you saw that you were infront of the alpha wolf. You squeeked and fell backwards. Nightmare just looked at you with a bit of worry. Error came in and nuzzled you. He then said that he adopted you as his step-sister.

~ Flasback end~

You hopped around before thunder was heard. You squeeked and went to your brother, hiding under his large body." @re y0u &lπiGt?" Error asked." No, I'm scared of thunder." You answered. Error thought of something and it wasn't really a great idea but it would work." I know a place where you can hide from the bad thunder!" He said, his glitching stopped because he used his magic." Where?" You asked. As if on cue, his stomach growled. Your eyes widen with shock." Does that answer your question?" He asked. You nodded and backed away, a bit  scared. You have lived with them for 6 months and they treated you like family. You trusted them and that made them overjoyed, literally! You sighed before going infront of Error. He opened his jaws and, since you were small, fitted in his jaw. His five tongues wrapping around you gently. Without warning, you got swallowed. You slid down until you reached his stomach. It was comfy, soft and warm. Thunder made itself known but it sounded far away. Error sighed before going to find shelter. You both were far from the den and it was raining. It wasn't long before he found a cave. It was good enough for the night. Error went inside and layed down. You were fast asleep in his warm gut. He dozed off himself. Before he went to sleep, he curled his body and tail around himself in a protective way. Both of sleeping peacefully.

The end

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