Swapdream! Dream

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Requested by Alanna_the_fox. Took inspiration from The Last Guardian. I hope you enjoy!

It was a gorgeous night- well, until everything was set on fire. The golden and orange lights danced in the the sky like it was a ceremony for the devil himself, wanting those who are selfish to burn with him for eternity with no escape. All that was seen, was the glowing sockets of a monster that was said to contain positivity.

" NO!" A young adult human yelled in their silent house, their yells not being heard by anyone as they lived twenty minutes away from the city. Y/n, a young adult who lived a very poor life, got out of bed. Sweat formed on her entire being. They stood up and went to the kitchen for some water to calm their nerves." Ugh, it's just a stupid memory. Nothing more." They grumbled under their breath, their footsteps being the only sound in their lonely house." If I was just-just braver-!" They rambled while not noticing that they got a glass and filled it up with water, the liquid wasn't clean or dirty but it was drinkable." If I was there on time then maybe- maybe I could have saved them! No- what am I thinking?! I was only 13 when the incident happened and I'm (y/a) now. There was nothing I could've done to save them." They brought the cup to their lips and sipped, the taste of the water was horrible but they didn't care at this point. Slowly, they put the glass down and went back to bed, just wanting to have a normal dream.


The sound of a door opening echoed through the quiet house, the temperature rising within a second. Whatever opened the door knew what it was doing as it tried to be as quiet as possible. It searched around the house before spotting the human in the bed. It was a monster- a skeleton monster to be exact. The majestic golden and orange wings was just like Y/n's nightmare, a floating crown and a lot of orange and blue's, a light green and white shirt with black button stars and a scarf with a red gem of some sorts. Dream. It was Dream who was the one attacked that village so long ago, it was Dream who murdered their family, it was Dream who caused all the fires and chaos." Finally found you darling~" He whispered. He teleported away before a massive cat-bird-dog-deer creature's head entered the massive window. It stared at the human before opening its beak-like muzzle and gently got them in its maw. The beak wasn't hard. No, it was far from hard. It was soft, so soft that the human didn't wake up from the sudden softness. Gently lifting its head, it allowed its 'prize to slide down its esophagus and straight to its stomach without gulping. Now, all it had to do was figure out how the Stars it was gonna get its head o-

" Hehehe~ Looks like I win again~" Dream said, his shirt unbuttoned to reveal a very angry human in the ecto-flesh." Not fair!" They pouted, puffing their cheeks." Look at the bright side! You have a new record! Last time, you hid away for 3 years. Now, you hid for 8 years!" Dream exclaimed, using his arms to show how proud he was." I... guess you're right. Now, let me sleep. Got enough dreams from you of when you burned my home." They mumbled, still tired." Meant I was getting closer to finding you!~" He cooed before hearing light snoring. Heh, humans and sleep. With a now sleeping human in his ecto body, he had to be very caref- and there goes that plan." Move from thos spot and I'll eat your apple SOUL." Yup, time to use some magic.

" I'm not playing that game anymore. I'm too tired and need sleep." Y/n groaned, not in the mood to deal with Dream's shenanigans." Pls darling~" That's it." I think I'll get the fire started."" For what?"" To cook you." Dream immediately teleported away, not wanting to be cooked.

The End

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