♤Could we take it from the start?♤

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Tw: Phone sex

If this triggers anyone I would recommend to skip this.
Btw this is my first time writing smth like this so it sucks-


3rd person Pov:

It was a hot afternoon at shinonome's house. Ena had called over Mizuki for a sleepover. He had nothing to do. Toya had left from the town for the week. Akito desided to call him to check out what he was doing. -He called the wrong moment-


Toya was in his room doing 'something' until he heard ring coming from his phone. He got pissed and went to see who it was. "Aki" -oh my god... now?! Of all times now?!- he couldn't decline but neither leave it there. Akito might get worried about him.

-shit shit shit shit shit shit-

What should he do. He took a big breath and went to the bathroom locking the door to continue his job without having to worry about his father. He took a deep breath after finally answering the phone.

"Hello Akito!" -His voice sounded trembling-

"Good afternoon Toya..why did it took you so long to answer? You good?"

"Yea-a I'm good" -shit there is no way he can do this-

"You sure?"


"If you say so.. I'm so bored..when will you come back..I wanna sing with you and go for a walk or smth like that. An is making fun of me!" -Akito was hearing Toya's breath go faster every second.- silence..

"You sure you good? You sound weird..
Or just my phone broke"

"Yeah..I told you I'm fia-Ah ne..."

-Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck- he moaned and Akito heard it. Silence filled the conversation.

"I-im sorry Akito.." he said very silently. "I promise to pay you back..again I'm sorry"


"Fuck you" Akito mumbled.

"Huh?" Toya was confused. He suddenly heard from the other side of the line Akito breathing heavily.

"Akito..you too?"

"Shut it and continue" he struggled to make a straight voice.


"Nhg!.." Toya covered his mouth.

"Let it ou-out I wanna hear.."

"I-I can't hold any longer... Ah~! Shit..ngh"

-he heard chuckles coming from Akitos mouth-

"Who could have imagined that you are such a slut Ah! Hah"

-Their moans became more aggressive that in the end they were both telling each others names-

"A-akito..Ah.. I think I'm gonna-"

"Toya! Ah~~ hah..Ah! Do it with me"

-sweat was dripping from Akitos face as he heard the two people walking to his room. They were searching for him. He had promised to go with them at the mall. G0d dammit.

"Lil bro~~ where are you...?" Mizuki asked.

They were searching around the room while Ena knocked at the bathroom.

"AKITO! u there?"


"Huh? What was that I couldn't hear you"

"Leave for fucks sake"

"Bu-but you have-!"

"I-in a bit okay?" -Ena understood what was happening in there-

-The two girls left the room waiting for Akito at the living room while watching TV-


-They both came. Breathing heavily. Trying to cool off their bodies and cleaning up the mess, until Toya finally spoke-

"I'm sorry for dragging you in this mess.."

He was anxious, but ready for any response.

"No I'm sorry I should have texted first..and i continued so it wasn't your fault"

"B-but i-"

"Now shush..I have to leave my sister is waiting me see you later okay...?"

"Sure.." he answered with sweet tone.

*beep* *beep* *beep*

The call has just ended. Now Akito was forced to spend the rest of the day with his sister and Akiyama. He screamed.

~~6 days later~~

Toya was at Akito's house. Once his parents left, he locked the door and pinned Toya on the bed.


He was cut off by a kiss. It wasn't a gentle kiss. It was rather hungrily and sloppy instead of a small romantic one.

They were cut off by a phone ringing.
It was Toyas dad. Apparently he has to leave and go home because his brothers came back or something like that.

Akito was mad pissed but he couldn't do anything. Thats why he whispered Toya "call me whenever you can and let's continue.." before leaving the front door of Shinonomes house.

Both of them were blushing.
"Of course I will"

He gave Akito that warm sweet smile as he waved his for a goodbye.

Let's say tonight's call lasted longer than expected..

Hahahah.. back to small chapters
Words: 740 I rlly hate it. AJDKEJFBD

Here is a small comic I made to recover from the shity fic:

Here is a small comic I made to recover from the shity fic:

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Lets not talk about the -10/10 art skillz. XD

-I swear it looks better on paper...
I hope you enjoyed this chapter and tysm again for all the views!

Btw any recommendations are acceptable!

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