♤Hey.. relax♤

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Toya came back home late again. His work was never ending. He didn't have time for himself neither his lover.

These days he was so overwhelmed that he couldn't even jerk himself off. He couldn't sleep very good at nights while he didn't ate proper meals during the day.

He had to keep on working and working all over again, he would eventually get tired and collapse and maybe take a break.

But none of these happened. He just kept going. Every day that passed he was working and trying harder and harder.

He felt useless even though people that didn't know him personally,  thought that he was very cool and successful. 

"I'm home"

"Ah..! Welcome back Toya..  how was work?"

"As always.. by the way, sorry I ndit feeling hungry. I ate there. I'm super exhausting right now, so I will go wait you inside if the bed."


"Sorry... "

"No, dont worry about it. It's all good. Go rest. You need it. I will come in a bit once I finish my dinner and wash the dishes "

"Okay Aki.. see you".



Once Akito finished his dinner that was now chicken with some pasta, he washed the dishes, brushed his hair and teeth and lastly but bot least he changed into his pajamas.

Now he was ready to give cuddles with Toya, if he was okay, or awake. He hoped into the bed and covered both of them with the blanket.

He laid down and got close to Toya.



"Turn around, I will massage your back"

"Its okay aki.. i dont really  it, thanks for caring though."

"Nuhh there is no such things tonight, turn around"


Toya turned around, akito placed his hands on top of Toyas shoulders before massaging them. 

Toya let out a sigh of relief. He wa already looking way more relaxed than before. That's when Akito continued massaging him to his whole body.

He grabbed Toyas hand, he massage his palm, or his neck but he was careful enough to not cause any pain to the other boy.

Suddenly he heard a whisper from him.  But he couldn't clear out what he heard.

"What did you say?"


"Why? Did I hurt you somewhere? I'm sorry..."

"No.. it's not you its just..ugh"


Akito stopped massaging Toya and started exploring Toyas body, until he found his crotch.


"Yeah right.. you don't even have time to get fucked by me, you are totally needy but if we do it now you wont be able to get up in the morning"

"What do you mean by that..  aha.."

"That we will stay up late"

"Oh.. okay.. ah.."

"You like that?"


"Want me to continue?"


"I will take that as a yes.."

Akito continued jerking off Toya. Soft moans escaped his mouth. He had really forgotten how it felt like, especially when he was with Akito.


His breathing was heavier and faster. Akito loves watching Toya  ody changing actions. Especially when he was touching him.

He felt.. around of himself that he could make Toya happy after a such rough day.

Well every day he tried his best, but not always all of them worked out. Since he has to go to work himself too.  But it wasn't that strick as Toyas.

But they were sure getting a good amount of money.

"Aki.. ah..ah!"



Toyas body was now covered with his sperm. Akito for out of the bed and got a towel. He wiped of Toya.

After that he got back into the bed to hug him

"Thank you.."

"I love you too"

"I know..."

Toyas smile reached his ears. He hugged Akito tightly placing his nose on his neck. His smell calmed him down a lot when he was stressed but it also turned him on a lot during sex.

He felt so lucky to have such an understandable partner. He could literally m stay with him for his whole life in just one room if he was in there.

He really, really loved him and he knew that he was being loved.

Words: 690

I hope that you enjoyed.!

Tysm for 29k views!!!

So if anyone remembers the two little sisters that fucked each other in the previous chapters,.. I found something worse. It was an article saying that sisters should 'eat up'each other.

And I have a sister.. and there is NO WAY I'm doing that to her. It's too fucking disgusting so please... kzwnjdhfnsa

Idk. I'm just..ew

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