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Mentioned ships: Ruikasa and Anhane
Tw:Porn and kinda smut

The Shinonomes were holding a big sleepover at their house. Their parents were out for work.

That's when it hit Akito with an idea to call everyone they knew that had a close relationship with and make a big sleepover.

And that's how it went. Ena invited her group and Airi eith shizuku that later suggested to invite Haruka and Minori.

They end up coming too. In the other hand Akito didnt want to have that many people over so he called all the vbs members, but since Toya begged him to invite Tsukasa, he couldn't resist.

Tsukasa then brought Ruu with him because...why not?


When all of the members came Ena explained her idea for the sleep program.

She had also separated the rooms for everybody.

Her and the rest of nightcore were going to stay at Akitos room. Mmj group would get Enas room and since An and Kohane knew Haruka and Minori they would sleep there too.

Lastly the boys would get the couch. Toya and Akito could have slept at Akutos parents bedroom, but it would feel pretty awkward so they decided the option.


After everyone got ready, Ena picked a long ass movie for them to watch. Toya was helping in the kitchen were Mafuyu made some sandwiches for everyone.

Accidentally Toya bumped into mafuyu.

"Oh..excuse me. I didnt mean to...:

"Oh! There is nothing to worry about!"

"A-a you sure?"

"Yes, yes..I will go give the sandwiches to the others"

"Got it.. by the way, I'm Toya aoyagi. I think I have seen you before though.."

"Oh that's kinda funny. My name is Mafuyu Asahina and I'm happy to meet you Aoyagi"

"Me too Asahina senpai"


Not long after, everyone was wearing their pajamas enjoyed the food and getting ready for the movie.

Once they were all settled down Ena plugged in the movie.

Ar first it was a very regular mystery movie. It had some made outs with the main characters but that didn't bother any of them.

As the movie was going on the female protagonist had to have sex with the villain to gain information.

The woman was starting to get her clothes of with a very sexy way.

"Ena.. what the fuck are we watching?"

"I dont know! I haven't seen the while movie yet... see! They will reveal the big boss.."


An closed Kohanes eyes. Haruka did the sma thing to Minori. They were too innocent for these type of things.

"Did you picked a porn movie?!"

"No! That's disgusting!"

"Then why the Fuck! Is she jumping on top of him?!"


"Oh my gosh.."

"I wasn't the only one that picked that movie! Airi, mizuki and An helped!"


Well, it wasn't the first time he watched porn, but with everybody else there he had to control him self. And oh boy it was hard.

Since they couldn't skip this part because it had the key to the movie, neither Google seemed to help by finding the answer.

All of them stayed silent during the action. They were embarrassed, like anybody would be, they had pink cheeks, tsukasa had hidden his head to Ruis chest trying to remain clam for once in his life.

Toya had a pillow between his legs that he kept close. Akitk was too embarrassed to ask Toya if he needed the bathroom.

Well he believed that if Toya really needed to go he would go..


After all the suffering they managed to get through the hard part. After that Rui got up and asked for the bathroom.

Akito made a face of disgust, not thinking that he was about to reach his limits too.

After the movie finished, they cleaned up the placed and got separated to their rooms for the night.

The girls from nightcore would stay up a bit more to work on their next song since they were all together now.

More more jump, went to sleep directly, since their routine was kinda ruined. An and Kohane watched a couple of videos with cats making weird faces to recover from the movie.

Rui and tsukasa went outside for a bit to I dont know. Probably discuss a very important thing that Rui wanted to do.

He wa.ted to prank everybody on the morning but thankfully Tsukasa managed to stop him.

Lastly toya and Akito were alone, in the living room laying on the couch that was now transformed into a bed.

The bed wasn't big enough but if the got close they could fit perfectly fine. And of course they didn't bother to cuddle.

Before heading to sleep, Alito checked his social media while Toya finished one of the books that he brought with him.

While that Akito turned his head to his right to face Toya. Toya turned his head too, making their noses to touch.

A blush crossed their faces.

Akito then placed his hands on Toyas cheek. He kept starting ar his lips. He wanted to kiss them. He wanted to prove the lady from the movie that he was a better kisser.

And probably better at bed. He leaned forward stopping only centimetres away from Toyas lips.

He then looked at his eyes. Toyas eyes were waiting for the kiss. They were in a hurry.

Akito let out a smile as he leaned more until their lips met.

They shared a small but sloppy kiss.

They were both too tired and tomorrow morning they had to wake up first since they had practice with the girls.

But a bit more wouldn't bother anyone. Toya got on top of Akito. They continued making out until they heard a noise.


It was tsukasa. Rui and him were in shock.

"Oh.. hi tsukasa senpai..  i-i we are going to sleep now. Good night.."

Toya said embarrassed for being seen like this.

Akito placed his head between Toyas hair and neck. He hugged him from behind not minding the others.

They had a good sleep. They next morning by the second that they woke up, they were met with everyone almost taking pictures of them.

It was going a long day.


Ena got a bit sussy here with the movie XD

Tysm for 4.5 views!!!!!

I hope you enjoyed!

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