♤I can help you♤

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Tw: alcohol. They are on the twenties here.

Toya was sitting down his chair at a full club. He just broke up with his girlfriend, just because he hugged his female friend that hadn't see each other for years.

His life was already a living hell, his pain on his chest was growing. Right now he just wanted to die, or get drunk and forget everything.

He wanted to cry but at the same time he couldn't bring himself to cry. He wanted to stay alone. His only hope was alcohol for now.

Maybe a beautiful woman would approach him. And if things went well he could have her over his place. He rarely showed how horny he was.

Today was one of the rarest nights. He was already wearing a black tshirt that was open in the front, with same black pants that showed his ass.

He was now on his 3 cap of ____. He could already feel the dizziness that the drink had caused him.

Suddenly a man, around his age approached him. He sat beside him and order two more drinks. He gave one to toya while the other glass was already on his hands.

He looked drunk. But at the same time his face.. was beautiful? His cheeks were pink, from the alcohol. He was wearing a white tshirt that was now unbottoned. 

He then just went in forward to ask for toyas number.

"You seem..sad..."



Toya drunk the glass of unknown alcohol that the other order. It could have been poisoned. Bht he didn't really care anymore.

He continued ordering drinks while akito was speaking.

"Fuck.. i need to fuck something.."

"Same.. its hot in here"

"Like hell. Ah.."

Akito started rubbing himself in front of toya.

"Dude.. im here!"

"And..? You aren't a girl.. ah! I.. eh.. you jealous?"


"Come with me"

Akito grabbed toyas hand before having a chance to respond.

They got outside of the club. Akito had already paid. After they got out of this heating mess Akito pinned Toya to the nearest wall.

He then just ran his fingers in and out of his shirt. Touching his chest, stomach and abs.

All of this made toya go crazy.

"Can i fuck you?"

"Im not gay"



Akito started crying. The tears were a mix of sadness and happiness?

"Please..! I got kicked out of my house for being bisexual. I need to fuck something.! Im gonna go crazy!"

"Why me?"

"Your hot.. and totally needy"

"Tsk.. do it"

Akito didn't respond. He just pushed toya harder against the wall. Their lips met. The kiss was rough. Making both of them go crazy.

Akito placed his hands inside Toyas pants.  The other male moaned into the kiss. He took off his shirt before gripp his hips agains Akitos hard dick.

"Ah.  Aki.. you're ngh"


"People are watching!"

"Hhm.. we should go in my place but first.. I need to help you with this.. it looks very weird so I'm gonna help you fix it.. okay?"

"No.. its not necessary..!"

But now it was too late.  Akito was already sitting down with his knees while his hands were taking off Toyas pants. When he revealed Toyas naked body he felt something weird.

It felt like he wanted to touch and see more of Toya. It made his heart race while his body was in heat. The alcohol wasn't making it any easier though.

He started sucking Toya off. Soft moans escaped the blue haired boy. His hands were attached to Akitos hair. He was pulling his hair. He couldn't control his self. He wanted more.

No, he needed more.


They took a taxi, to head to Akitos apartment. Their ride inside the taxi was hard. They wanted to touch each other right now. But they had to stay focused. 

After Toya paid the driver Akito uncooked the door of the apartment. They got in but sadly they were met with Akitos roommate.  It was An shirashi. 

They were friends since kindergarten.  They literally knew every single thing about each other. For examples, when it was their first time they had sex, or when their parents yelled at them for an unknown reason.

It was all confusing, but in the end they both really cared about each other.

Once An saw the other boy she just got her shoes and left the house without telling anything. She didn't really wanted to hear her ugly ass friend moaning.

Not many minutes later Toya was now pinned down to Akitos bed. The thrusts were too hard that even the bed was  making noises.

"Ah..! Ngh aki..! Akito!"

Saliva was running down their chins and later to their necks. They had lost the count of rounds. They just kept going, they wanted to forget everything.

Toya didn't really care that was getting fucked by a random guy. The pleasure was the only thing that he cared about.  At least on this situation.

After a couple of minutes, Akito couldn't take it anymore and he passed out beside Toya. The same thing happened to Toya just some seconds after.

The next morning, when Akito woke up first he was welcomed with a lovely breakfast that An made. It had beside the caps a small letter.

Akito picked it up to read it.

'The neighbors complained! Be more silent next time!!"

Akito just stared at Toya with a light pink blush in his face. He should wake him up and feed him. They will probably spend the next days on the bed.

Last  night was pretty entertaining but also pretty exhausting..


I found my old phone and now I have wattpad here and I can write at  night!!

I was SUPPOST to be asleep an hour ago but who cares.

They gave us books today and they were HEAVY AS FUCK. They were 21 books ft. My lunchbox, pencil case and notebook.

I had to care those thick books with my back. I'm dead. But I'm pretty used to it.

Anyways tysm for almost 310 votes!

I also wanted to ask how many chapters do you want this one shot book to be.

Should I stop at 75? 100? 200?!?!


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