♤Stayin inside♤

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It was raining outside. Like a lot. Both of the boys were stuck inside. Well it wasn't like even if they wanted to get out they were allowed.

The government didn't allow anyone to get out. A very strong storm was coming and the shelters were filled with pregnant mothers or young people with disabilities.

The rest of the population had to stay inside. The storm wouldn't last for a long time and if they listen the government nobody would get hurt.

Toya was actually lucky for this situation. When the news announced it he was outside driving his way back home from work. And like most people did, he got anxious.

And all the anxiety that everyone had lead to a traffic. Toya was getting more and more anxious until he got a call from akito.

Since the cars were stopped because of the traffic he took the risk of answering the phone. What he heard surprised him. Akitos voice was not like usual. It was more.. pressed. More like.. anxious?

"Hey.. toya!"


"Where.. where are you?"

"I still have a long way.. i think there was a car crash or something.."



"Shhh dont worry toya. If anything happens i will be there okay? Even though we are talking through the phone. But first take a deep breath and think positive. In the news it says that in streets:_____....____...______..._______..______ and ______ the traffic is getting better. Cars are moving."

"Wait.. i am in one of them!"

"See.. you will come home safely. There is no things you need to worry about. I will leave now. I need to charge our phones since they are going to close the electricity."

"Mhm.. see you.. love you"

"I love you too toya.. stay safe"


Toya closed his phone and focused back into the road. After some more minutes the cars finally started moving. They weren't as fast as they used to go but they were at least moving.

After a lot of patience and anxiety toya finally arrived home. Once he parked bis car he run towards the door of the house. Akito had left it open for him.

Once he entered he took of his shoes before running towards the orange haired one. Akito hugged him tight. He couldn't imagine himself staying alone here while toya was outside alone with such a big storm.

He buried his face deeper until toya pulled of. He needed to use the restroom. Their small house was surprisingly warm for not having electricity.

Once toya got back akito lit up some candles around the house for them and made the table. The blue haired boy fed the cat that they had. His name was toki.

It was a mix of their names that Ken came up with in their anniversary. Once the lunch was ready both of the boys sat down the dinning table to eat... The rice that akito made.

Akito wasn't the best cooker but he still tried his best for toya, especially in days that toya was overwhelmed with work.

Akitos job wasn't too tiring like toyas. He was just a simple employee at a fashion shop. He knew how to do his job right so he didn't really need to do something hard.

The only thing that he was sick tired of doing was neither giving his fake smile to the costumers nor comforting woman that were crying about their weight.

He didn't want to judge the woman but he sometimes said some mean things that he couldn't think at the moment. Well he is was a boy and couldn't really understand why people cared that much if the button is going to be red or pink.

He couldn't really figure out, no matter how hard he tried.

After they finished eating they laid down together in their bed. The rain was still there. The vision was blurry. The sky had a gray-ish to white color.

The sun was mixing everything up. The colours and the temperature. The couple hugged each other tightly. The hugs became passionate kisses and after that they were making out.

Akito on top of him his hands still attached around toyas neck while his hands were pulling akitos hair.

He didn't want to stop there. He continued pushing akito deeper in him.


They took of their pants and boxers and continued their making out season with the only exception being that akito was figuring toya. Soft moans escaped the older one.

"Ngh... Can.. can we take it slow today?"

"Mhm .. i was gonna ask you that too"

Toya smiled before narrowing his eyebrows since the pleasure that akito was creating with his fingers was hitting in.

Akito slowly entered himself. Take of course was in pain. No matter how stretched he was pain would be always waiting for him in the corner of his ass.

Akito waited a couple minutes for toya yo calm down before starting to thrust inside him. They went slowly. The thrust weren't aggressive at all.

Moans started escaping akito too. He moved his hips a but more faster just to find toyas spot. Once he did he felt the need to go faster. So he did.

He continued going deeper and deeper until toya started crying of pleasure.


"Ah! Akiiii!"


Toyas mouth didn't shut. Only moans escaped. They were kinda lucky for having to stay inside for a couple of days since toya wouldn't be able to go at his work after that..

Words: 930


I hope that you enjoyed!!

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I hope that you enjoyed!!

Thanks a LOT for 40k viewsssssss


Also i wont be able to respond to comments anymore becaz my parents don't let me.

But I'll still look at them!


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