♧/♤We fucked up♧/♤

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We will all pretend that len is a 10 year old that is too innocent for his own good. Oh and he doesn't know what sex is so... This is going to be interesting.

Len was too bored. Meiko didn't gave him attention since she had to deal with costumers, rin was out on a small date with miku while luka and kaito were painting one of the walls that the cafe had.

And he of course he wasn't allowed to help since he caused this mess and second of all he was going to ruin all the work that the two other had put in this.

He was sure too bored. But suddenly an idea crossed his mind. He rushed into the backroom of the cafe without letting meiko know.

He then was found inside of a room that had a big computer screen. This existed just for them to communicate with the Vivid bad squad through through phones.

That meant that they could go in anytime and see anything. Len wanted to talk with the boys so he pressed the correct bottons before entering the 'real' world.

But what he saw left him speechless. Toya was pinned to the couch of toyas house. Akito was on top of him holding him tight.

Toyas legs were pushing the fabric that the couch had, while his hands were pushing against akitos body.

They both kept making weird sounds. As if len wasn't horrified already toya started yelling akitos name. Each time more loudly.

Thank goodness they weren't seen very clear since the room had the lights turned off.

But one thing that was clear was when Akito thrusted inside toya. The sound was so 'loud'. Len was disgusted with them . He wouldn't talk to them never ever again.

He tried to find the right bottom both of them started screaming. The couch was making noises of the rough moving. Toyas face was covered with saliva and tears, while akitos with sweat and way less tears.

Both of their bodies were shaking.

Thats when len just found the 'leave' botton.

He just left the two boys alone doing their business.

When he got out of the room meiko finally found him. Len looked and acted very weird. He was so silent. Meiko got curious and entered the room that len was before.

Later she did the same things as len, she pushed the right bottoms in the right way.

And what she saw was sure left her speechless but it was her fault for not asking permission to entered. This fixture existed too.

She got out of the room and sat beside len.


"Why didn't you tell me about the thing you saw?"

"I didn't see anything!!!"

"Len.. come on. You're not a 3 year old anymore."

"Well.. still! I didn't see anything!"

"There is no shame. Come on tell me? Or ask me, i think i can answer you"

"Why were he screaming like that, was Akito abusing him?"

"No..! It is the exact opposite.. he makes.. lets say toya very happy in that way."

"Well i dont like it, and it doesn't make me happy."

"You will understand when you grow up.."

"What do you mean?! I have only 6 years apart from them! I dont want to do that stuff in such a little time!!"

"Ah.. im going to get kaito to explain what was happening.. oof.. i dont want to the the story with the bees and the flowers again.."


"Nothing.. be right back"


Akito and toya entered the cafe,there they found the rest of the vivid bad squad. They were siting with len and rin around a round table.

Both of them approached them. They sat between len and kohane.


"Whats wrong len?"

"Yeah.. yeah.. 'what wrong len?'"


"I just want to say.. sorry"

"For what.?"

"Some days ago i went to see you in the real world but you were.. busy"

"Ah.. eh?!"

"Wait.. dont tell tou entered when.."


"Oh my.."

Toya was already a blushing mess while akito hid his face with a magazine that he found.

An and rin were laughing at the embarrassed boys while kohane tried to calm down the situation.

Oh poor len, now he had to get lectured by akito, toya and meiko..

Words: 720

Tysm for 370 votes!!

I hope that u enjoyed!


We will have a new akitoya event in two hours from now at the jp server!


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