♤Let me style you♤

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Hello guys! I just forgot to say that in this fic they are around the age of 20-21 and they are in college!

Toya just arrived to the studio. He had to take another photograph with another model. Akito Shinonome. They've worked together quite a lot.

It was probably because their style matched. Toya was dressing more feminine with his shoulders, or neck exposing.

On the other hand Akito was dressing more masculine with suits, exposing his chest and abs. (AKA. making fangirls crazy)

Those two were making the best duo when it came to fashion. The best part?
They were both classmates at school, making them know very well each other and be comfortable when it came to pose in some weird ass poses.

"Mornin" Akito greeted everyone.

"Good morning" Toya replied. While females where around him putting him eyeliner.

"Agh...this is a rough one isn't it?" He looked over at Toya that had his chin ho by women that were working on his make up. It wasn't too much. It was slightly noticeable but neither transparent.

"Nuh.. I'm quite enjoying this" he smiled over at Akito.

"Yeah..yeah of course you would" he sat beside him, into another chair but not to get his makeup done, instead women started brushing his hair getting him ready.

They were both wearing black sweaters, except Toya that had a white jacket on top that was these on him. Their sweaters reached their necks, while their hair are separated in two.
(Example, dont mind the position...)


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After a good while they were both ready to take the pics.

Some there, others with their hands up and a few posing next to objects. The last positions were made for the two of them.

Either the one was too touchy with the other or they were in very close position, making their noises or foreheads touch.

Some pictures later they were finally finished.

"Hey would you like to go have dinner?" Akito approached Toya.

"Yeah sure..but mind if you do me a favor.."

"Yeah what is it?"

"I know it's kinda sudden but my sister, with her boyfriend told me to sleep somewhere else today because they have 'something important to discuss' so could I stay over?"

"Yeah of course..by the way....your sister is too bad at lying you know?"

"Yeah.. especially the 'discuss thingy" he laughed.

"Well whatever let's go eat and I will inform my siblings"

"Thanks...I will pay today!"

"Dude, no way! I Invited you"

~Akitoya one shots~Where stories live. Discover now