♤Oh.. hi dad♤

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Akito has snicked himself to toyas house through the windows. They hadn't see each other for almost 3 months.

That happened during summer because toyas dad has to do some business to france and he took his family with him just so they can appreciate their 'holidays'

It wasn't too bad but Toya wished his friends. Especially Akito. They started dating some months ago but Toya had a crush on him for years

Akito was now sitting on top of Toyas bed. Toya was instead on the floor with his knees.

Akitos hands were gripping toyas hair, he was pulling his head hard up and down while his mouth was open breathing heavily. His cheeks were a light pink color instead of pale white.

On the other hand toyas hands were on top of akito, jerking him off while his eyes were filled with tears. But the tears weren't tears of anger, sadness neither because he was scared.

He was sucking akito off.

"Ah.. toya"


"Faster dammit..ngh"

Toya obeyed. He went faster.

They were both shirtless. They had turned the lights off in the room, since they were supposed to sleep.

Actually toya was the one that was supposed to sleep, Akito was just a guest. Well not like any regular guest. He was there to pleasure both of them.

Akitos summer was rough too. His grandfather died. He got over it but until then it was pretty hard for toya to comfort him especially when he wasn't actually beside him.

As much as he wanted to be there, hug him, kiss him, tell him that everything is going to be ok and move on, he couldn't not even his father let him to call him.

Most of their calls took place late at night that toyas family was asleep. On the other hand it wasn't the same time for akito so he either had to wake up roo early or risk hid summer school classes.

Akito was going to school af summer not because he couldn't pass the class, just to 'get better' and that music is a bad influence about his studies.

Like since when akitos parents became like toyas? They were never that strick especially with grades. But he thought that it might be from the lost that they had.

So he just did what he was told without hesitation. They might took it to the next level and took his phone or even worst not allow him to watch toya.

They had gone... A bit crazy .

"Ah..! Toya.. yes.. there"


"Shit... You're so good.."

Toya giggled at these words. It was very rare for him pleasuring akito. He was usually 'not allowed'.

But each time he did something like this, the butterflies on his stomach were flying all over his body.

Suddenly the door opened. And it was of course Toyas dad. He wanted to grab some things that he had left to Toyas room.

And since toya was asleep he didn't need to knock the door, and as it seemed toya didn't need to sleep either


"Ngh.. what?"

Both of them were half asleep at this point.



Toya pulled out. He started down the floor before answering.

"I did this because i want dad. Now please leave."


"Please leave dad. We stopped. I want to stay alone"




Toyas dad exited the room. After that Akito ran towards the blue haired boy. He hugged him tight before apologizing for the mess that he caused to him.

"Its okay.. dont worry about it.."

"Again im sorry."

"I'm okay.. you are okay.. you don't have something to be sorry about.."

"Thanks.. but i have an idea"


"Do you want to annoy your dad more?"

"Oh.. yeah"

"Thinking what im thinking?"



Toya was getting fucked by akito. Moans were escaping from both of them. The louder the better. Akito was sure that toyas dad had heard everything.

On the other hand toya knew that toyas dad had left the house for a meeting that he had. But he didn't talk.

He just enjoyed the time.

Words: 715

I hope that you enjoyed!!

Tysm for 30 followers!!

Should i expose my first smut i ever wrote to the next chapter?

Dont tell me im the only one that actually believes that the doll miku is actually beautiful

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Dont tell me im the only one that actually believes that the doll miku is actually beautiful.

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