♤Im here for you♤

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Tw: both of the boys are on last year of high school. Their age is around 17-18

Toya was sleeping alone at the room he had taken. He was staying over at Akitos house but outside the city. They had traveled to tokyo for a business that Akitos dad had to do.

Akito was sleeping in a different room with his sister. Their father wasn't staying there. He was instead on a meeting and he would return back very late.

Toya woke up in the middle of the night because he saw a 'nightmare'. He threw all the blankets of his body. He got off bed and took a new pair of boxers with him in the bathroom.

He then closed the door and took off all his clothes. He had a wet-dream. He hoped into the shower. He felt cold water running down his body. He placed his forehead to the white wall of the shower.

Why did he see that dream. Why was Akito in it... Why did it felt good..?

These questions kept running around Toyas head. Not many minutes later he hoped into his cold bed and took his phone of his drawer.

He then searched on YouTube ' vibration sounds'. After he found the video that he needed he placed his phone inside his underwear. Once he played the video, he whole body started shaking.

He placed he face on he face while his stomach was facing the mattress. He had covered his mouth with his hands trying to keep the moans inside.

Not a long time after he came. He got up again to clean his phone, the sheets and himself up.

After he finished all that, he laid back again to the bed. Now he was way more relaxed. He turned on his left side to get comfortable until he heard his door opening.

Toya turned his head just to face the orange haired boy. He was looking at him with a.. smirk? On his face.

"Ah..hi akito"

"I can't sleep."


"What did i do?"

"Eh? What do you mean"

"Come on.. i mean.. in your thoughts.. was i fucking you good?"

"Akito.. i never thought something like that.."

"I heard you moaning my name several times."

"..i can.. explain "

"I want to do it.."


"Ugh.. i love the way you fucked your self. It made me hard~"

"Akito.. are you okay..?"

"No..im horny"


"Let me touch you"



"In my dream. You were.."


"Fucking.. my brain out "

A chuckle escaped Akitos lips.

"Would you liked this to happen here too?"


Akito didn't answer. There wasnt anything that he needed to say. He just pushed toya back to his bed. He took off his shirt before starting to leave hickeys to Toyas neck.

"Ah~..ngh. akito it.. hurts.."

"But you seem to enjoy it."

"Please... Put it in."

"As you wish"

Akito undressed toya leaving him with only his black shirt that was now covered with saliva and sweat.

Akito licked his fingers before placing them inside toyas ass.

He moved them slowly but the pain that Toya was gaining wasnt leaving.

"Akito! It hurts"

He cried out

"I almost found it..wait how about here"

Akito founded where his fingers hit Toyas prostate. He suddenly saw the toya that was crying some seconds ago from pain now being a moaning mess.

"Ah~! Ah! Akito..!"

"Did i find it?"

"Nghaah~! Yea.."

Akito thrusted his fingers faster, he loved seeing toya like this. Even if it was the first time.

Not many minutes later Akito pulled his fingers out leaving toya down crying for more.

Akito then pulled a condom out and placed it on him. He then just made his way inside Toyas ass.

He then began to thrust slowly.


He was now going tas fast as he could. He couldn't control his body that was asking for more. Toya was trying his best to keep it down but he couldn't help himself either. Akito was too good for him.


"Ah!- aki.."

They suddenly heard a car parking to the garage of the house. Was it akitos dad?

It ended up being another person that stayed at the apartment. Akito had almost a heart attack when he heard the car.

Both of the males were now at their limits. Toya came first and after a couple of thrusts Akito came inside the condom.

He then pulled out. He cleaned toya up and himself but before placing him back to his bed akito kissed him in the lips.

"Wanna go out for a walk?"



"I love you akito. Thank you for tonight."

"I love you too toya... And im the one that should thank you."

"Can we sleep now?"

"Mhm..good night"


Toya fell asleep inside akitos arms.


I hoped that you enjoyed!

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Tysm for 19k views!!!

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