♤girls night♤

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Implied ships: Kanamafu

Toya was invited to stay over at Shinonome's house by Akito. Ena had the house for her this time, meaning akito had to do whatever she wanted.

So she decided it would be a great idea to have all girls sleepover. She invited Airi and Shizuku from MMJ group and Mizuki, Kanade and mafuyu from nightcore.

They were going to have so much fun that Akito wasn't involved. At first it didnt sound bad to Akito, but as ena continued explaining her plan it got worse and worse.

She would give Akitos room to Mizuki  kanade and mafuyu, while her Airi and Shizuku would stay at hers. So that meant Akito had to clean his room, and even worse his bathroom.

Lastly ena forced him to buy snacks. At least he could get some for him and Toya.


After Toya arrived finally, akito dragged him into his parents room were he had placed his playstation, for them to play.

"Why are we sitting here?"


"Ah.. but last time she didn't listen to you though.."

"Yeah.. I know.. she at least bought me pancakes and a new video game so I forgive her."

"Got it...now what do you want tot play?"

"Our usual?"


As they were playing ena card them down for dinner. She had ordered some shushi for the girls but she decided to show her sweet side to Toya.









They usually communicate like this. One yelling at the other, threw their doors, making everyone else in the house deaf. They had a really strong voices.


All of them were now sitting down to the dinning table, Toya was just eating peacefully his shushi while Akito talked with Mizuki trying to steal some shushi from them.

After they finished, Mafuyu offered to wash the plates with shizuku. After they finished they stayed at the living room to watch a movie.

Toya and Akito went to their room again. Well Akitos parents room, but for tonight it was theirs.

They laid down to the bed to relax a bit since they had to eat the leftovers too. Toya read a book that he had brought with him.. -like always-

Akito got curious and placed his head to Toyas shoulder, trying to read and understand the book that Toya was reading.

"I'm reading a novel that was written by Osamu Dazai."


"Wanna read with me? I can start from the start. I dont mind"

"Nuh. Nuh..I'm good. I will just watch over"

"As you wish"

Akito watched Toyas hands that were moving each page, his eyes that read the kanji so fast that he could never.

His lips were slightly open. Just enough for the oxygen he needed to breath.


It was almost midnight. Ena told them that they will go out for a bit. Akito didn't clearly understood why, but he didnt care too much since his sister was with a big group of people.

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