○No means no○

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Tw: sexual abuse, rape (they dont rape each other),eh.. and weird ass guys. Oh and guns etc.

It was a cold winter night when Akito and Toya were walking alone, down the vivid street. They had already finished their vocal practice and they just had got out from the pizza place that they had food.

The weather wasn't looking at the best. It would probably rain in a bit. Thats why Akito decided to take some sort cuts that they rarely used to get home on time.

At first everything seemed fine. Like every other day. They were both holding hands just to know where they were since the small streets didn't have light.

And even if they had it would be very blurry. Most of their vision were black. But this didn't stop them from continuing their way to the darkest roads.

Not many people were there so it was kinda giving the creeps.. later on Akito felt something on his back. He turned around but instead he saw nothing.

It was kinda scary so they started rushing over Akitos house. But since it was night they sadly got lost.  They couldn't find their way back to the pizza place neither to Akitos house.

They just kept walking, until Toya got grabbed by his wrist by a masked man. The man placed a bag on his head before making him unconscious.  They did the same thing to Akito. Now both of the boys were asleep..


Akito woke up beside Toya. They were bot laying down to the ground in a room that looked like a cage. The place smelled weird. It had a smell that was mixed with urine and sweat.

Akito was super disgusted but also very horrified.  He woke up Toya. Once he did he hugged the blue haired boy just to make sure that he is okay.

After pulled away from the hug they started scam every detail on the room. They were also many other people that looked around their age.

Some of them were still asleep while others were crying. The room was cold, and didn't have any electricity.  Neither food was given easily.

Suddenly a man with a black shirt walked in and one of the girls ran towards him. She then healed down for him.

Everyone else did the same. Akito didn't really want to do this but he didn't have any other choice 

He sat beside Toya.

After that the man approached one girl that was crying. He grabbed her by her hair as they entered another room. The girls kept screaming no.

Toya wanted to cry, very hard but he couldn't bring himself to do it. He was scared that they will do something to him.

And that's when he remembered that he was a phone. However when he placed his hand inside his pocket the phone wasn't there. He then just started searching ok his body but the phone wasn't showing up.

He started panicking.  He asked akiti for his phone but the result was the same. They had took their phones.

Not a long time after, a girl with a lot of bruises on her body approached the boys. She sat beside Toya.

She told them to keep theirselves calm if they didn't want to get touch by those freak. Everyone that cried had to be tortured like that. As a punishment.

Toya and Akito were listening to what the girl said. They were horrified.  Suddenly the man with the black shirt appeared again. All of them bowed down again.

But this time the man picked Toya. He didn't really care when Akito started screaming to stop. He just clapped his hands and some other people with guns pointed at him.

So he just shut his mouth. He started crying lightly.  He was so scared dammit. If he hadn't took the short cut, nothing like this would have happened.

Nothing like this would have happened to Toya. His thoughts were interrupted by someone screaming.  He go up and waited for the person to scream again.


And it was Toyas voice. Were they going to fuck him? He didn't want this to happen. He started panicking. Everything was so bad..? Here.

It's one the worst nightmare a teenager could have experienced. Akito just kept on waiting and waiting for Toya. Whem the poor boy finally got out of the room he ran towards Akito. He hugged him for just a couple of seconds before pulling out.

He then just threw up on a bucket that was near him. He was shirtless with a lit of bruises. Why did they do to him.

Akito hugged again the boy. He then just kept saying sorry for not being able to do anything.  For not being able to save him from this shitty situation.  And lastly for not taking the long time to get home.

Tears were running down from both of the boys. And that's when Akito remembered.

Toyas father had a device that Toya kept always inside of his shoes that told his father his location. He then just rushed to grab Toyas shoes.

After he found the tiny device he pressed the red button that had in it.
That was supposed to send a message to Toyas father phone. And he would eventually send help.

Well that what Akito hoped about. And he was right.

Not 10 minutes later, the police had shown up. They arrested the male guards. They arrested everyone except the victims

Instead the victims were being send to a hospital for their mental and physical health.  That's where Akito and Toya got transferred to.

Toyas family came to see him. Days had passed since they were trapped in there. Akitos family visit to. That included An, Ken, Kohane and tsukasa.

After their recovery Akito bought that device for him too. He never knew if he was going to use it.



Tysm for 321 votes!!!

I don't want to go to schooooooooooooooool neither basketball practice because I'm the younger one and the rest of them are way more experienced.

So.i feel like shiet. They probably hate me but whatever..

I rlly hope that u enjoyed the story!

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