♤/○ Leave me alone ○\♤

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Tw: suicide/ depression

Characters dont have the same personality in this fic. + it doesn't make sence but whatever

Toya laid down to his bed, placing his heavy head to the soft pillow. His eyes felt heavy but also dry. Dry from all the tears that fell some minutes ago.

He felt sad. His chest was tight. His head spinning. He wanted to disappear. No, he wanted to die. He hated his self.

He wanted to be happy and live a beautiful life, but he didn't know how.
As much he loved the time he spent with Akito, the pain never stopped.

Instead the pain grew bigger and stronger. He wanted to be free. Free from this hell. He didn't understand this feeling.

The feeling that most off the books say that 'is normal for a teenager to feel like this..'

And this sentence would usually leave Toya thinking if its actually normal for a kid his age or younger.. to feel like this.

He hated it.


They were  things that made his pain go away, even if it was for a bit he didn't care. As long as he was able to feel happy nothing else mattered.

He felt guilt for having such savage thoughts but.... once in a while didnt hurt right?


He was now laid on Akitos bed. He back faced Akitos chest. His ass being crushed by Akito.  Moans were escaping from both of them.

He wanted to stay like this for ever. He felt amazing. Like the whole word disappeared together with his problems.

He couldn't care less when Akito yelled his name. Because in fact he was screaming for more, faster and harder.

His lips didn't shut. His hands were grabbed by Akitos. Their skin was hot.
You could almost see flames between them.

The sheets were mixed with sweat, saliva and cum. The were always making sure they were alone and that Toyas father didn't call.

Because one time he called and Akito didn't stop. He wanted Toyas father to hear but Toya was too embarrassed.

So once he answered the call Toya could barely keep himself up. That week Toya didnt dare to speak to him father.


Toya was turned around. Now their chest were facing each other. Their breaths became one. Toyas arms were behind Akitos neck bringing him closer.

Their kisses were messy. They just wanted to satisfy their selves. They were both savage. But deeply down they both knew how much they wanted to embrace each other and every second that passed their love became stronger.


They were both laying down to the bed both naked and exhausted. Silence had filled the room.

Until Akito finally spoke, letting the pain that ached on his chest out.

"Are you really using me? You dont  love me?"

"Yeah.. I told you by the first time.."

Akito didnt hold back. He let the tears to become rivers.

"Then why the Fuck! Were you screaming like that?! Why did you continued?! We-WE USUALLY STOPPED AT THE FIRST ROUND! WITHOUT KISSES. NOTHING! AFTER THAT YOU PACKED YOUR THINGS AND LEAVE. BUT..but lately you are more romantic.. why cant you say the truth for once!"

"I dont know. You are the person that keeps me alive. That's the only thing I know..you make me feel amazing. Even when we dont have sex. I just wish I could explain it to you."

"Then date me! DATE ME! I love you so much you cant understand. Even an and Kohane got together before us! And like say that you dont know how to explain it?! Neither I! But I-I want to be with you."

"But my-my father.!"

"Fuck him! Stay here. I dont care. You can take my room. I want to be able to see that smile tou have every time I make you go crazy more often. But as you said not only when I fuck you. I want to see you smiling at the most random moments"

"I dont believe you"

"Okay. Do whatever you want. Asshole. I hate you."


"See! You know what you feel but you are so savage for fucks sake. You want to be with me but you are just too much of a bitch and doesn't admit it."

"Fine..I will prove you my feeling then..."

He got up sitting on Akitos lap. He started bouncing on top of him.

"I will love to take a look..from close."

~~5 months later~~

They were both sitting on beside each other. The chairs were white like the walls of the room. They had their hands together. Not letting go whatever what.

They were both staying at a mental hospital. Since they tried to commit double suicide, 2 weeks ago.

It was stupid, but they didnt care. As long as they were together, alive they could find happiness one day for both of them.

That's the story that they told the therapist when she asked them how they got together. They were still two minors that joked about 'adult stuff'.

The therapist had actually worst scenarios than this one so she just let the two boys...to go alone at the bathroom.

Oh my g0d she was so stupid but whatever.


They usually had visitors almost every day. The visitors were mostly An, Kohane, Tsukasa and Rui. Their parents of course came and stayed longer and more often. But we dont  care about them right now.


Several months later they got out. Not as suicidal before. Neither that horny.

They enjoyed life a bit more than before. Toya was still struggling with his feelings but that didnt happened when he was with Akito.

And Akito tried to stay as long as possible with Toya. Even sometimes when Toya needed to use the restroom Akito would go with him.

Well... not always to cheer him up int hat way..

In the end Tsukasa made a surprise party for them. For their one year relationship.

Toya watching Akito being embarrassed for 5 minutes was the best gift he had ever received. He was actually getting better.

As I promised!
Words: 1010.

By the way idk why Toya turned out to have Mafuyus personality Lmao.

I hope you enjoyed!
Thanks again for the 2k views fkkrkrbghdwkfb

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