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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence.

Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

I was so shocked as I left the room with him I was very lightheaded. When we got to the mess hall he sat me down, I obeyed him an alarming ease.

He walked over to the food line and started to get our food; I was a bit shocked that he was getting me something without asking what I wanted.

He came over with grilled cheese and some tomato soup, handing it to me he had what looked like ham fried rice.

I found that I was happy with his selection.

"Eat." He demanded.

I did as I was told, while I was eating I found myself on edge, jumping when I felt his hand on my inner thigh creeping up to my core.

"Rooster." I gasped. 

"I won't go too far up, I like touching you."

I ate slowly, I wasn't sure about my stomach, and this seemed to be helping with that.

"I know you might have some trepidations with this, all three of us are new to this, but I think we can make this work."

"It's just a lot."

"Let me and him take the full lead on this, don't fight us."

"Are you saying I should give up total control?"

"Honestly, yes, him and I talked about this, you need to turn power over to us, let us take care of you in most ways."

I looked down and took a bite of my sandwich, this was real cheese, and it tasted fucking good.

" to me." I swallowed hard.

"I will keep some independence, but I see what you are getting at, and...shit, I think the two of you are right."

"Jake said that you have been a submissive before, surely it isn't different."

"It's not, but I have never had two Dom's before."

I looked up at saw Hangman walking over.

"You are prepped." Rooster took a few more bites before quickly leaning forward and kissing me on the forehead, getting us looks from some other people in the room.

"Thank you Jake, I will see you two tonight." Rooster got up and left, I was mostly done with my food, I got up and put away my tray.

I turned to face Hangman.

"Did Bradley talk to you about..."

"How I need to turn choices over to you more? Yeah."

"Are you alright with that Kitten?"

I nodded.

"Good, we are going to my house."

We walked from the base, he kept his body close to mine, with a soft sigh I pulled out my phone.

"Who are you texting?" I looked up into his soft eyes, wondering why he didn't just guess whom I was texting.

"You now I need to report where I am going...I am so conflicted about Rooster not knowing who I really am."

He was silent. I turned to look at him, narrowing my eyes. "You like knowing that you technically know me better than him."

"I wouldn't admit to that, but do you think he would really forgive or look at you the same if he knew, I want to protect you from that."

I went to defend Rooster, but I found that I couldn't, because I wasn't sure if he would stay by my side, if he knew everything, and I didn't want to know what he meant by 'protecting' me from that.

{3 Hours Later}

I was on my back on a very soft and big couch, Hangman's body was fully on top of me, putting pressure down on me kissing my neck. I was in a very submissive mode, letting him have me as he wanted. Simply enjoying being with him. 

His home was cozier and warm than I thought it would be, I wondered about how much I really knew about him.

There was a knock at the door, he stopped kissing me and pulled his weight off of me.

"It's about damn fucking time, it's hard to keep my hands off of you..." Hangman muttered, I had been wondering why he was holding back from going farther, I could feel the tension building in each touch me did, he seemed to be denying himself something he wanted.

He jogged to the door, and I looked over at the front door, he opened it and Rooster was standing there, in military standard.


"I was told to get you, and her, the timeline for dropping the bomb has been moved up to 0400 hours tomorrow."

"You're kidding, that is early."

"I'm not. We are to sleep on the aircraft carrier."

I got up and walked to the door. "You guys are going to drop m...the bomb."

"Yeah baby, we have to go to work. Beau for some reason said you should come back to base."

I nodded. "I will be right behind you, I'll drive myself. You should get going..." I urged, as I said this Hangman grabbed his coat and put it on.

Turning to me, they hesitated, but I got a kiss on the lips from both of them, I kissed them back, hoping they didn't sense my unease.

I watched as they walked down the walkway. They were in a very serious mood; they were men born for what they do as they had both become very focused and serious in a snap second.

When I watched their car's pull away, I pulled out my cell phone, Beau answered on the first ring.

"I want to be on that aircraft carrier." I said without prompt or explanation.

"I figured; a helicopter will be waiting for you..."

"Beau, who is carrying the bomb to the target?"

"Hangman is running the point on this, and Rooster is going to be his wingman."

I felt sick to my stomach, why did it have to be them?

"You know if you are there you are going to have to be kept out of sight, neither Rooster or Hangman can see you, no matter how bad you want to go to them."

"I understand." I hung up and grabbed my stuff, like Rooster had said, we have to go to work.

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now