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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

"Why are you shaking?" he asked after a while of holding me close, he didn't push back but I felt him almost get more of a tighter hold on me, it was odd, being close to him was both terrifying and exhilarating. He was such a handsome and powerful man – everything about him was simply raw MALE, and that appealed to my primal nature.

"Honestly? It's because you scare me."

I knew that being this way wasn't the smartest thing to do, if he was dangerous – maybe I should be separating myself from him.

Thankfully Rooster was always around us, what would he do to me if he ever got me alone – really alone, alone? He hugged me a little tighter and I let out a barely audible yelp of shock.

"I should scare you...because no matter how hard you try and fight it, I got under your skin, like a fucking moth to a flame you come to me – whenever I call you will come to me."

"I love Rooster, not you, I don't have feelings for you in that way, only lust." I wasn't sure if I meant that – but I wanted to throw him off because he was making me uneasy.

"I really don't believe that. But if it is true then you better pray that this child is his then, because that's the only way I might walk away from you."

He moved his head lower and I felt his hot breath on the side of my neck and shoulder - he kissed the spot where my neck met my shoulder gently – keeping his lips pressed there.

"Hey..." I pulled away from him and looked at Rooster, smiling at seeing him there – he kind of seemed to come out of nowhere, I kept on smiling at him even when I saw the hurt in his eyes.


I turned and looked at him, he was looking at me with a softness in his eyes that seemed so fucking out of place with the vibes that was coming off him when I was in his arms just a moment ago.

"Hmm?" He asked, smiling down at me.

"I love spending time with you both, but I was wondering if I could have time alone with Rooster."

If he was bothered by the request, someone looking at him at a glance couldn't tell – but I could, a darkness crossed his face, as soon as it was there it disappeared.

"That's fine, I have some family things to attend to."

I pulled my gaze from him and looked at a smiling Rooster. I focused all my attention on Rooster, doing my best to ignore Hangman.

"Let's get dressed in something nice, I want to go out with you."

"Where?" He mused, we both watched as Hangman walked to the front office of the base – in watching his retreating form I paid attention to the slight swagger in his walk. He was right, I was like a moth and he was one hell of a flame.

as soon as Hangman was out of sight he pulled me into his arms, my body relaxed in his arms.

He would never harm me, I knew that for sure.

"I... I want to go on a date, a real normal person date, movie, dinner, spend time together."

He looked around. "Are you sure it's safe."

"Yes, we can go to Filippi's Pizza Grotto in Santee." I had eaten there on the way to Fightertown and I wanted to go again.

"Santee? Okay, yeah no one will look there." He laughed, then looked down thinking. 

"I have some decent civilian clothes in my locker, I'll meet you in the lobby."

I turned back and we separated, when I got to my room I quickly got dressed, I dressed up a bit more than normal – trying to look nice.

When I was almost done, my computer beeped; I walked over.

"Can this wait, I'm about to go out on a date."

"Are you alone?"

I looked around, even though I knew that I was alone.


"Are you with Hangman."

"Actually no, I'm about to go out with Lieutenant Bradley."


With that the connection when dead.

Worry started to fill me but I was way too professional to let it get the better of me, I left my house and walked to the lobby, doing my best to put everything out of my mind and focus on Rooster and how we were going to spend time alone together.

When I walked up to Rooster he turned and looked at me, looking me up and down he smiled.

"You look nice."

"Thank you."

He held out his hand and I took it.  

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now