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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. 

Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships. Trigger warning for being hurt by someone and attempted murder!

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

"What are you doing here?"

With a soft yelp I pulled away from Hangman and looked over his shoulder at Rooster walking over to us.

I looked at Hangman, he was giving me a look that told me that he didn't know that Rooster had followed.

I half wondered if I should tell the truth, but I knew that I couldn't – he didn't have clearance and I wasn't sure how Rooster would see me after knowing the truth.

"Beau privately brough me on this mission, you two shouldn't know that I am here. Hangman caught me."

Rooster nodded.

"That's fine, but why are you in the weapons bay?"

I turned looking at the bomb like I had never seen it before.

"I wanted to see your payload, this looks scary, please be careful..."

I turned to face Rooster, I felt Hangman let me go and I was instantly moved into Roosters arms, I wrapped my arms around him, being pulled into his chest I breathed deeply, enjoying how he smelled, a mix of cologne and jet fuel.

He put his hand on the back of my head pulling me against, leaning his head down he kissed the top of mine.

"We will be careful." Hangman added.

"Please don't worry – we are trained to do this, I know Beau said you can't see us, but is there anyway you can get away?"

I pulled back from him and looked down submissively.

"I don't know."

"If you can meet us in second room in the hallway leading to this room...say right after dinner."

I looked up and saw Hangman give him a questioning look.

"I'll do my best."

"Good girl."

I melted at him saying that, it's okay when Hangman praises me...but when Rooster does it – it hits different.

"Will I be disciplined if I can't get away?"

"Maybe...go, you shouldn't be here." Rooster gently pushed me away, and for reasons that I couldn't even start to fathom I ran from that room.

I made my way to the restricted area upside and into the secondary private control room, it was cast in a eerie blue light, Beau looked over at me.

"Everything alright?"

I came over to stand beside him.

"Yeah, just going over the specs on my weapon."

"I told you to stay out of sight."

Shit, he knew.

"In my defense they found me."

"Why I'm not going to pretended to understand why the...three of you are doing this, I'm not your caretaker, please be careful and if the Admiral find's out and reprimands you that is on you."

"I'm keeping my cover as you assistant with Rooster." I added.

He turned and faced me, tilting his head giving me a genuinely curious look.

"Can we speak off the record?"

I laughed.

"Sure Beau."

"Why are you not telling Bradley who you are, you know you have the power and the influence to give him the clearance like you did with Jake...why hold back?"

"Rooster...Bradley is, different from Jake." I muttered.

"So simply put you are scared..."

I looked away a bit annoyed.

"Not to sound like an asshole but I never took you for a coward." I gawked at him as he turned and left the room.

--- Rooster's Point of View ---

Jake and I were walking back to our sleep quarters, we were bunked together, when we got into the room I noticed that we were alone.

"No one is bunking with us?"

He looked around.

"Clearly not."

"Then we could bring her back here."

I looked over at him, he was unloading his bag.

"Do you ever get the feeling that Chase isn't telling us something?"

His movements paused for just a second then continued.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know, it just, she seems to be hiding something."

He shrugged.

"Do you love her Bradley?"

I looked at him sharply, narrowing my eyes.

"It's a bit soon for that." I muttered.

He turned on me, he pulled himself up to his full height, and came over to face me, crossing his arms, it wasn't in intimidation, more curiosity.

"I'm sure I love her... well more directly I'm falling for her a bit more each interaction I have with her. "

I don't know why but anger surged up inside me at hearing him so boldly claim that.

"How in the hell can you be sure of that?"

"Because I'm not scared to take the plunge..."

"We can't both love the same women Jake."

"So this is just purely sexual to you?"

"I didn't say that." I growled, he tilted his head and gave me a knowing smirk.

"Who said we can't? Sure, we can both love her, but in the end one of us will have to love her enough to go with who she chooses."

--- Chase's Point of View --

{5 Hours Later}

I walked down the hallway on my way to meet them, anxious and excited, I was looking down when someone stepped out of the side galley, looking up I didn't recognize this person, and I was about to say 'excuse me'.

Before I knew it I felt a sharp and burning sensation in my stomach, looking down I watched as a knife, covered in my blood was pulled from the right side of stomach.

I looked up not registering the face in front of me as my vision tunned and I blacked out. 

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now