Send Them

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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence.

Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

Hangman came over and sat down next to me, looking at me with worry and care.

"How did this fall happen?" Rooster asked.

"I was just being careless..."

"Little one..." Hangman moved forward, and he put his lips on the back of my neck, I shivered at the contact, and it was wonderful feeling his hands around my waist.

"Jake...she's injured." Rooster protested.

I gasped when Hangman touched my wound.

"Easy Rooster, are you okay with us touching you?" He questioned, I looked between them both, they were such different men. I looked at Rooster more closely, seeing the desire and need in his eyes.

"Be gentile..."

Rooster slowly moved, laying down beside me on the bed, it was about a size of a full bed , a luxury on an aircraft carrier.

Hangman gently helped me lay down, I let out a whimper before he laid down at my back, to where I was sandwiched between them.

"I want you to know that you are safe with us...I wanted to ask you something – will you swear yourself to us?" Hangman muttered, he said it against the back of my neck.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, I know this isn't your usual relationship, I don't know what to call us three, but I know that I don't want anyone you Rooster."

"No, I don't."

"Okay, then will you swear yourself to us, be loyal to us and submit and trust us?"

I knew what he as asking, he wanted me, they both did.

"Okay...I'm yours, both of yours..."

"Such a good girl, we will not hurt you." There was an undercurrent to this tone of voice that somewhat made me feel better, he knew the truth, guilt filled me because I knew that Rooster was in the dark still.

"You need to be more careful love..." Rooster gently chastised.

"Rooster, before we go on this mission, can I have her? That door locks..."

"She was impaled, you can't think that it's okay to..." Rooster growled.

"It was just a flesh wound...if he is gentle...I should be alright."

"You two are insane..."

"Will you lock the door, you can watch us..." Hangman teased, earing a blush from Rooster, he hesitated for a moment and then he got up and walked to the door.

"Are you sure this is alright, you have been can say no, you should say no if this makes you uncomfortable, and I'll stop if it hurts."

"I've had worse injuries, you are going to have to take me from behind, and go slow..."

I let him slowly strip me down, I was shivering as he mounted me from behind, I was sore but I wanted to do this.

I looked up at Rooster, gulping at seeing him standing there, he was leaning against the side of the doorway, his thumb was running along the bottom of his lip, I saw nothing but pure desire in his eyes.

When Hangman gently entered me I lowered my head and moaned, the way he put his hands on my hips and started ridding me the different between them was clear.

Rooster was very sweet and loving very giving lover, Hangman, was ferial and wild and he would be taking more than giving.

"Ease up please." I whimpered.

"I'm sorry...can I cum in you?"

"Yes..." I was started to have a rough go of it and my side was starting to hurt, but I wanted to feel him finish.

"You are going to make a mess..." Rooster teased, before Hangman, slowly sank into me, and I could feel the underside of his cock throb as he came in me, he held me for a moment then gently laid me down.

"Fuck...that was amazing, but not really the way I wanted to do this." He whispered.

"It was perfect, I'm yours, and I wanted this before you left on this mission."

He got up off of me, and I got dressed in my hospital gown again, I could feel his cum dripping out of me, he adjusted himself and redressed, looking up at him it looked like he hadn't been touched.

Rooster came over, putting his hand on my cheek and turned me to face him, I looked up at his worried brown eyes.

"Are you alright, was that too much?"

"I'm fine."

He nodded and gently leaned forward and kissed me, then he made a move to deepen it.

There was a knock at the door making Rooster pull back– my heart raced – that was impeccable timing, Hangman and Rooster exchanged looked, then Rooster answered it, it was Beau.

"The two of you are needed..."

{12 Hour's Later}

They spend the last hours getting sleep and getting ready for the mission, they decided to launch from a different site, pushing up the time. The person who attacked me was taken by helicopter off the aircraft and I was almost under absolute observation and protection.

There was no time to say goodbye, I watched from the higher deck and they were loaded into there aircrafts, when they were safely in there aircrafts I walked into the mission room.

With a hand on my side I slightly limped and stood by Beau.

"Are you alright to be walking? Or even standing?"

"I'm not going to lay down why they go."

After a moment I heard the men whom I had sworn myself to just hours ago on the intercom, their voices putting butterflies in my stomach.

"Hangman, up and ready on catapult one."

"Rooster up and ready..."

Then another in the room, "Supports assents airborne, standing by for launch decision..."

Beau glanced at me, he held it, I gulped realizing that he was silently asking my permission to send them, my heart was in my stomach as I nodded slightly, looking back at the screen.

"Send them."

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now