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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. 

Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships so trigger warning for that.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

I woke up still on my side having cried myself to sleep, I looked up at a nurse that was standing there, rubbing my puffy face I sat up and looked at her.

"Everything okay."

"Yes, you have a copper IUD right?"

I looked shocked, clearly they have access to my medical file, so I was a bit annoyed that they were asking.


"It's reacting bad to the hemlock treatment; the doctor advise that you remove it." I wanted to laugh, sure they could take me off birth control, not that I needed it.

I had lost Rooster and I wasn't sure if I could trust Hangman, because I fear that he could have been the one that poisoned me.

I was starting to realize that I loved them both, and I had lost them both, I closed my eyes and breathed hard, realizing I had to harden my heart if I was going to survive this.

--- Maverick Point of View ---

{One Week Later}

"Why do you think I care that she left Mav." I was shocked at how bitter Bradley sounded, he wasn't himself, it had been a week sense she told him the truth, and he hadn't forgiven her.

He turned at me angry, but behind that anger I saw devastation and heartbreak.

"How could you not tell me?"

"Look it wasn't my place, but...I can't believe that I am saying this,

but she is who you think she is, she might have kept her past from you, but I assure you the Chase you knew, the Chase you cared for his the real person she is."

"It was a lie from the beginning, I loved her Maverick, how can I trust her at all?" He bit back a sob.

"You still love her, you shouldn't leave words unspoken."

"That is irrelevant, I have to get ready for the mission." He turned from me and walked away, he was running from this, running from her, he had accepted a few missions – knowing they would take him from Fightertown.

I was terrified what would happen when he found out about Jake, if he was reacting this badly to Chase's truth. I had no idea how to help him, I had a feeling he would come around, it might just take time.

{One Month Later – Island - Tristan de Cunha}

It had taken a few more days but after a while I was safe to travel away from America, I had asked that I be removed from the safety of Top Gun and allowed myself to be placed in the hands of the boys in Black Ops.

They are currently keeping me the most remote volcanic island in the world, no, really, it's British controlled and there are only about 300 people in this town – but it is right in the middle of South Atlantic Ocean.

I had been nursing my broken heart and working on my aircraft designs.

I looked up as the Black Ops team came into the room, they had a pensive look, all of them.

"Am I having to move."

"Actually we have an idea, about five hours ago there was a plane shot down in Isreal, we think we can make it see like you were on this military aircraft."

I narrowed my eyes at him.

"You mean you want to metaphorically kill me?"

"Yes, they will find out at some point you are still alive, we hope to flush out your enemies before then, it would give us some wiggle room, maybe be able to keep you somewhere not so remote."

"Valid argument."

"We would need to move fast, and take some blood and tissue samples from you."

It took me a moment to realize what they were getting at, they wanted to put my DNA in the wreckage.

"Yeah let's do this, I hate island life."

They exchanged looks.

"You do know that...your two Navy boys would find out about your death. You are doing what Hangman did to you, but this is going to be more wide spread, only we will know that you are alive."

I gave them a dead pan look, narrowing my eyes.

"I doubt they will care, now what tissue samples do you need?"

--- Maverick's Point of View ---

"Has this been verified? Like really verified."

I looked at the screen in the meeting room – he had it pulled up on the huge screen for all of us to see, there was Chase's real military file, pulled up, with large red letters the words DECEASED were stamped across it, report said that she was shot down while being transported in a military refueling plane.

I heard Beau's voice break a little, he had grown fond of her, and seeing this upset him. "They found her DNA at the crash site...she was on board."


I heard a loud and abrupt thud a bit behind me, I didn't look but Beau did, I saw his face turn white.

"Bradshaw..." He exclaimed.

I turned and looked at Bradley, he had dropped the stack of papers he was carrying, that was the thud I heard, he wasn't looking at me, he was looking at the screen behind me, his face unreadable. 

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now