La Mesa

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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence, gun use, drinking alcohol, and injury.

Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

That was the worst feeling that I have ever felt, and I don't feel a lot.

Had he just used me for sex? Can someone be used for sex if they initiated it? Why the hell am I so bothered by him just leaving like that?

I mean, that was wonderful sex but I kind of wanted more, more sex and more of him, but there was no way I was going to chase him, not my style.

I laid back down, after a moment I pulled out my cell phone, I had Maverick's number saved.


If you really want to know, I think I'm brave enough to tell you.

He walked in literally five minutes later, I looked at him and narrowed my eyes.

"Are you staying on base?"


He came over and pulled up a chair, I was half tempted to say that I fucked Rooster, just to see his reaction but I thought better on it, and I was about to tell him something horrible about me.

"So what made you respond that way to Jake?"

I sighed, I leaned my head down and realized I smelled like Rooster – and sex, damn.

"About a year ago my twin brother and I were at a cabin on Lake Tahoe."

"You have a twin brother?"

"I HAD, it was our first indicator that things were amiss and that the Navy got me compromised, we were out on a boat, and another one came up behind us, they shot him in the head, if I hadn't of taking the boat controls I would have been taken." 

"Shit. I'm sorry."

"So am I, Maverick I lost my hesitant tether to my internal humanity when he died, I'm not normal."

He let out a sigh. "That is why you have to stay away from Bradley."

'Bit late for that.' My brain mocked, but I kept a poker face.

"He's a grown man, I think he can make his own choices."

"He's just started getting better over the past year, he's a better man, if you are going to go after anyone it should be Jake."

I shook my head, looking at it from a relative point of view he was right, Hangman was a better fit for me, by far. 

"I'll take that into consideration, I think we both need sleep."

He nodded.

"Goodnight Chase, for what is worth I don't think your humanity is gone, maybe just hidden."

"Goodnight Maverick."


I woke up started and looked around, sitting on the side of my bed was Hangman, he gave me a wide smile and he was holding a breakfast burrito on a plate for me.

"Here, eat, the Vice Admiral have given us the weekend off, I asked, and he said that you were free as well because he is leaving base. But he told me to tell him of your location if you were to leave base."

I was glad for that, because I felt a little bit vulnerable. I took the burrito and had a bite, "Thank you, I'm starving, so where is everyone?"

"All of them are off base. Other than a minimum operational crew, we are the only ones here, they removed your IV when you were sleeping, I offered to stay with you until you were awake."


"Your hero was the first to leave, said something about a girl down in San Diego."

That hurt, like really hurt - he didn't even want to see me or check up on me before he left? And there was another girl, and he had taken me out on a date.

Again, I wasn't sure why I cared so much, feelings were annoying. 

"Thank you for staying with me, I think I will be good to stay on base." I was thinking about having time to work on my weapons.

He let out his unarming laugh. "Oh you are not staying on base, I have a house in La Mesa, you are spending the weekend with me."

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now