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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. The chapter contains elements of toxic relationships and cheating – lot's of red flags, so trigger warning for that. Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

Turning my attention away from Rooster, I walked back over to the Vice Admiral, the main Captain on deck came up to talk to me.

"That is some machine that you created, very maneuverable." He complimented me, I found myself blushing despite myself at the compliment.

"Yeah, you had us running circles up there." One of the pilots exclaimed, I gave him a smile.

"Feel free to explore the aircraft, we are hoping to make many of them in the next two years." I explained.

I again walked over to the Vice Admiral, motioning to him to walk away from the crowd that was distracted by WARGAME.

"Lieutenant Bradshaw and I are going to take some time away if you don't mind."

In this moment I wasn't playing around or being polite, I was letting this Vice Admiral know that he really holds no power over you, and in turn no power over Rooster at this time.

He seemed to be thinking what I said over, clearly realizing that he really shouldn't do anything to piss me off at this moment.

"Tell Lieutenant Bradshaw he can change into civilian gear."

Telling me that was basically giving me power over Rooster, he wouldn't be expected to do anything on this ship.

Giving him a respectful nod I turned and walked over to Rooster, he gave me a curious look. Giving him a look I walked past him and he followed, when we were in the ship away from prying eyes I turned to him.

"He said you could wear your civilian clothes, you are mine now."

He smiled. "I have always been yours, let's go to bed."

"But I am not tired." I teased pouting, gently but firmly he wrapped his fingers around my upper arm and started leading back into the ship, I let him lead me.

When we were safe in side he pushed me ahead of him.

"I'm about to make you tired."

"Excuse me, Sir....Lieutenant Bradshaw?"

We both stopped and he turned and looked at the Private.

"There is a call for you."

Rooster and I exchanged looks with one another.

"I'll be in the room."

He nodded and followed the private, I walked down to where we were staying, I opened the door and without looking into the room turning I closed it.

I closed my eyes, because without even looking – I think I smelled his perfume first, I knew that Hangman was in this room.

I leaned my head against the door letting out a sigh, I heard him walk up behind me, he put both of his hand on either side of my hips.

Leaning down he kissed the back of my neck.

"That was wonderful flying, who knew you could hunt like that."

"Uh, Thank you..." Him being close always made me on edge, in a good or bad way I had no idea.

He pressed his lips against the back of my head."

"I'm not going anywhere, just so you know, you might not want me but I am going to be a shadow, always there."

With his hands on my hips he gently moved me back, I looked to the side, unwilling to look at him as he left the room, wrapping my arms around myself I walked to the bed and sat down. Why did what he just say scare the shit out of me.

--- Rooster's Point of View ----

I walked to the deck and picked up the phone they indicated.

"Hey Bradley... how are you?"

I smiled at hearing Mav's voice.

"I'm okay, so I Chase, we are both safe and well."

"Glad to hear it, how is Hangman doing."

I narrowed my eyes.

"I have no idea." I muttered dryly.

"He's on the ship with you, from what I was told he helped guide and launch Chase..." There was a silence between us. "She didn't tell you did she."

"No...I have to go."

I hung up the phone, realizing it was rude I would apologize to him later, I realized that she was kind of needed to be disciplined in some way, if this was going to work between us she shouldn't be keeping secrets like that.  

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now