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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. The chapter contains elements of toxic relationships and cheating – lot's of red flags, so trigger warning for that. Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

I was paranoid when I got on the plane, the sudden discovery of my pregnancy was weighing heavily on my mind as I got on the helicopter.

As they were about to close the door I looked out over the deck, on the upper deck was Hangman, his face as cast in shadow.

My heart pulsed painfully, my hand was still on my stomach, there was a flutter and I got lightheaded realizing that this baby could be his.

Was it right to be leaving him?

Not to mention that I had no idea when I was going to tell them about this baby, is there ever a right time for such things – when you are not expecting it.

I don't know why I was so worried about what their reaction would be to the news, I was scared that they might not want it, I knew that I was more than capable taking care of a little one – and if it came to it I fucking would.

But I wanted the father to be a part of the baby's life.

I must have been looking into the distance when Rooster put his knuckles under my chin and made me look at him.

"We are going to be okay...the flight is going to be long so try and get some rest." He yelled over the sound of the propellers, then leaned forward and kissed my forehead.

{2 Hour's Later}

Amazingly I feel asleep for most of the flight, Rooster gently shook my awake when we got closer.

We were going to land on the USS George H.W. Bush, a Nimitz class supercarrier.

I leaned back with a sigh, the ship was moving and somehow amazing the helicopter landed with a thud, he turned off the propellers and we exited the aircraft.

I looked at and saw a Vice Admiral come up, giving us a smile and shaking both our hands.

"Chase Shannara, Lieutenant Bradshaw, welcome, one of my Captains will show you to your room, you can rest up and get refreshed, we will be spending 8 hours traveling down the coast, we have a two-seater Hornet as was asked..."

He put his hand on Roosters shoulder and gave him a serious look.

"Are you sure you are good to fly her all the way into Fightertown Lieutenant? You'll need to stop off at Hill Airforce Base to refuel then keep going, it's a long fight son."

"I would lay down my life for her, and a long flight is fine by me – there is no one who is more capable of protecting her sir." The seriousness in his voice made my heart flutter involuntarily.

However, the captain was on the left of me, and I was able to hear him mutter something under his breath.

"Other than Lieutenant Serein..."

You didn't react to what was said, you realized that in the Navy – scuttlebutt was a real problem. I guess our unconventional relations have raised some eyebrows.

I followed the captain into the room there were two bunk beds, he asked if we wanted anything, and we both asked for a simple sandwich and water. He nodded and left.

Rooster pulled me into his arms and kissed the fiercely, there were no words needed, the kiss held so much love between us.

I didn't realize we were kissing so much when there was a knock, Rooster walked to the door and handed me the food. Slowly and in silence we both ate everything, knowing that we might not be able eat much during out long fight.

When he was done, he set aside the tray and took off his shirt and pants, I didn't normally get a chance to really look at him, he was very male and strong, I reached out to touch his stomach, but he pulled back.

He gave me a soft loving look.

"We are sleeping in separate beds tonight love, I'm going to be flying for a while and I need all my rest, touching you – I wouldn't sleep."

I smiled.

"I'm going to explore the ship..."

He nodded and got into bed while I left the room, having to move a little before I was able to get some sleep.

"So you are the famous Chase."

I turned and saw the Captain who showed us to our room standing there, I looked down at his name, Captain Gaiaman.

"I am..."

Instantly I got an odd feeling, the vibes were off.

"Goodnight." I stepped back into the room, shutting and locking the door I walked over to the upper bed, jumping up I laid down, feeling safer in a room with Rooster than out there.  

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now