Night Watch

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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships and cheating – lot's of red flags, so trigger warning for that. Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Rooster's Point of View ---

He picked up after a few rings, I had no idea what I was going to stay with him, 

"Pete....really, telling Hangman to leave her like that, what the hell are you playing at." I had never called him by his first name and I could tell by his silene it might be jarring.

"You have talked to him, he was supposed to be avoiding you." I was hoping that Hangman had been lying, but clearly, he hadn't, this whole thing had been planned by him.

"Our ships have met, and I got on there and hunted him down."

"Look...I understand how upset you are."

"Upset doesn't even cover begin to it, she isn't doing so well, and I am not sure that I can pick up all of the pieces."

"I'm not going to argue this with you, you need to take care of her. Hate me if you want, but you and I both know that " Maverick hanged up, I let out a growl and almost threw my phone.

I took a few deep breaths before going back into the room with Chase.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

He came back into he room, I looked up at him shocked as he walked over, I shivered under his powerful gaze.

"Turn over on your stomach, hands above your head."

"What?" I stammered; he gave me a wicked smile.

"I want to go another round, are you really going to argue with me?"

I obeyed him, the moment that I felt his whole body cover mine, when he entered me I let out a moan of pleasure. I was submitting to him without any problem.

I was sore, he kept on moving in me, showing me who was in control. I needed him to be in control at this moment, so I gave in, relaxing my body, letting him have his way.

"Who owns you baby, who owns you?"

"You do..."

"Yeah...fuck do you have any idea how good you feel, how much I enjoy doing this to you."  He grabbed my hair and pulled me up hard, almost straining my neck, I wasn't sure what had come over him, maybe he was trying to be as dominant as Hangman.

I was loving this side of him.

He pulled out suddenly, and he let out a deep moan as he finished himself off on my back, his cum was warm and sticky. I made a move, but he laid down beside me and pulled me into his arms.

"Clean up later, let's get some sleep."

--- Hangman's Point of View ---

{Five Hour Later}

We were still connected by a galley walkway with the other ship, I was hoping we would leave but the Admiral said we had more stuff to do – I wanted to get far away from Rooster and her."

Currently I was on the flight deck, on the night watch, looking out at the darkness, the stars reflecting on the still water, making it almost look like we were in space.


I turned sharply...the voice making my heart thud hard.


Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now