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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence.

Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships, so trigger warning for that.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase Point of View ----

I felt someone sit on the bed beside me, without opening my eyes I knew it was Rooster.

I had tried to stay away, the stress eating away at me the whole while, then I felt the ship start to move and the anxiety of not having Hangman with me started to make me antsy.

But being injured and tired and stressed took one hell of a toll out on my body and I laid down, sore, and frightened, before I knew it the lull of the huge engines on board and put me into a deep and dreamless sleep.

I opened my eyes and looked up, he looked exhausted, he had showered and he was holding what looked like a dinner box from the mess hall.

"I got you dinner." He said softly, he didn't make eye contact.

"Is he hurt? Do we have a location on him?"

"I don't know, there is no trace of him, it was as if he disappeared, I'm sorry..."

I got up quickly and wrapped my arms around him, crawling into his lap, he set the food aside and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into a huge hug.

"I'm so sorry."

I put my hand though his hair and pulled him tighter against me.

"It's not your fault, thank you for trying."

My cheek was pressed against his, and slowly I moved, and our lips met in a kiss. I straddled his hips and kissed him with desperate pain.

I pulled away from him and nuzzled my head into his neck.

"Don't leave me Rooster, I can't lose you both."

"You won't, until we understand what is happening, I am not going anywhere."

I started to move against him a bit roughly, gently he pushed me back, looking at his face I could tell that he was conflicted about doing so.

"You need to eat first." He lifted me up off of him with ease and all but set me down on the bed.

"I...I need to be close to you Rooster." When the words came out of my mouth I was shocked at myself, I had never been so, vulnerable – it felt scary and odd.

"I know, I feel the same, my mind is just somewhere else."

I understood that, so I would back off for a while, giving me a soft smile he handed me the food. I opened it, it was tacos, nice. I smiled back at him.

"You are not eating?"

"I already ate."

I moved and sat at the edge of the bed, he shocked me by leaning down and putting his head in my lap, I ran my fingers though his hair and he hummed gently to himself, clearly enjoying the touch.

As I ate I realized that this was a very intimate moment between us, it wasn't romantic or anything, we were just drawing comfort from being together.

I finished eating, and I instantly felt sick to my stomach, but I made myself keep the food down – he was right I needed to keep healthy, I leaned my head down after I set the box aside and I kissed his cheek, I realized then that he was asleep.

My heart melted, he must be exhausted, stretching as much as I could I reached behind me and grabbed my tablet to work on my aircraft for a while.

Resting the tablet against his shoulder I got lost in the zone, it was like I was a machine, it was then that I ran the simulation on it again.

"That's it..." I muttered to myself; I had fixed the problem, I sent it via secure message to my contacts in the military, so they could fix it, and my aircraft could fly.

I jumped when my phone rang, I started Rooster away, he looked at me with that sleepy expression, I picked it up.


I answered it and put it on speaker phone.

"Jake are you alright?" I asked, using his first name.

"Yes, look I'm sorry Chase, I just can't do this – I didn't really love or even care for you, I had no idea why I pretended to - I know this is a shit way to do this, but I just can't be with you."

"Dude seriously..." Rooster growled.

"I'm on some leave Bradley, both of you, don't come find me, I'm sorry."

With that the call went dead. I was speechless, tears silently falling down my cheeks at his words.

"He...he didn't mean that, something, something is off." Bradley stammered, taking the phone out of my hand he pulled me into a hug. 

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now