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Warning!! Chapter may contain talks of BDSM possible uncomfortable situations, smoking, possible trigger warning for some parts.

Chapter also contains elements of toxic relationships. Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

I woke up considerably late and I didn't make it in time to have breakfast with Hangman, I was woken up by fighter planes, it was already 11 am and they were clearly doing some morning drills.

I was unsure how Hangman would act when I saw him after breaking my word, that didn't tend to go over well with dominants, and if he was my master I'm sure this would have gotten me punished.

I was drinking a coffee that I had gotten as I turned into Vice Admiral Beau office, he looked at me and gave me an annoyed look, I gave him one right back.

"Sorry I'm not used to working on someone else's time."

"Why were you late?"

"I was working on some intake valve designs and I lost track of time...didn't really sleep."

He shook his head, standing up from his desk.

"That's not why I am mad at you, you were told that you need to keep a low profile and you really haven't."

"I've kept to myself."

He crossed his hands over his chest and gave me a look. "You left the base with Lieutenant Seresin last night without letting anyone know."

I looked down and blushed, also I realized what he was going to say next, and I hated the truth of that.

"By leaving the safety of this area you not only put your life at risk but also his, there are people that will willingly put a bullet in him and taken you."

The very thought made me sick to my stomach, he was right, it was the most stupid thing I could have done.

Shaking his head he went on.

"Then if Lieutenant Trace hadn't been walking across the tarmac and seen Bradshaw and Seresin I'm sure a fight would have broken out between that – seriously Chase..."

I didn't know what he was talking about.

"What makes you think that fight was about me? They clearly have an animosity for one another."

He went over to his computer and clicked on something.

"This was recorded during the morning flight drills...don't worry, I'll delete them as soon as I make my point." He clicked something and hazy cockpit conversations came on.

"Look Rooster don't be mad just because I spent the night with her. She came with me of her own free will and desire, you are acting like I forced her."

"Seriously Jake you are a major asshole, she isn't someone you can just use and disregard like you have most women you have been with." 

"I second that."

"Stay out of this Bob..."

He stopped the recording, so yeah, clearly the almost fight last night was about me, I was little bit shocked that Rooster seemed interested in me, I thought he was just trying to be nice attempting to ask me out. 

I threw my hands up and sat down on a chair.

"I don't know what to tell you, I have no idea why two men like them are even interested in me. As I said I am not encouraging it."

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now