An Answer

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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence, gun use, drinking alcohol, and injury. Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

"I hate to be the one to ask you this, but I have pulled some things up in your private file."

"I'm sure there were interesting things in there."

"Were you really poisoned?"

"Yes, about five years back – I really can't believe that I was able to get the antidote in time, lucky it didn't do any lasting damage as far as we can tell."

She nodded, then she looked like she was choking on some words, I kept quiet and waited for her to get whatever courage she needed.

"You know we have the DNA of all the service members, right?"

That caught my attention, I mean I knew they did but I was getting what she was implying, that she had both Roosters and Hangman's DNA.

"Am I far enough along? For that kind of test I mean?"

"Yes, we can do a blood paternity test at 8 weeks."

"I..." I found myself at a loss for words, fear was something that I wasn't used to, but finding out scared me – that was completely irrational, but it was the truth, this whole situation terrified me.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, inhaling and exhaling deeply.

Nothing like a stressful paternity situation test someone's mettle, I found that I was easily able to get a hold of myself. I needed to get this test done, it was better to know who's offspring I was carrying currently.

"Can you run it against...Lieutenant Bradley Bradshaw, and Lieutenant Jake Seresin."

If she was judging me she was hiding it well.

"Let me take some blood work..."

"How long?"

"It will only take a moment."

"I mean to get the results."

"We have a lab on sight, a few floors down, if you are able to stay for 15 to 30 minutes we can get you your answer right away."

"Oh, okay I will stay and wait."

I flinched as she started to draw a sample.

"Sorry." She apologized for the lack of warning of what she was doing.

"Do you have any idea where she could be?"

I looked over at Rooster, I could feel his anxiety coming off of him like a dark wave, I knew that I had to settle him down.

"Look she actually has better things to do than just waiting for us to come back, she could be with some people talking about her military designs – or giving herself a spa day. Maybe we should give her some space – she will come back."

He ran a tired hand across his face letting out a sigh.

"I'm going to lie down for a while."

"And I'm going to go check on my aircraft, I'll be back soon." I left the room, he was so anxious about her, I was to but I also knew that we shouldn't smother her – but I did intend to punish her a little bit when she returned for not telling us where she was going, in a very sexual and pleasurable way mind you.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

She handed me a folded piece of paper, with my heart pounding in my chest I opened it up.

I wasn't sure if I wanted to smile, laugh or cry, the emotion that seemed to win out was – apathy, I ran my hands over the paper with the results.

"Paternal match of 99.999% to Lieutenant Jake Seresin." I muttered.

I was happy that I knew who the father was now, but I was heartbroken because I knew this would break Roosters heart, not matter how much he would claim otherwise. 

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now