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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. The chapter contains elements of toxic relationships and cheating – lot's of red flags, so trigger warning for that. Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chase's Point of View –--

"That is so beautiful, I never really take the time to notice..." Hangman muttered, we were at the top deck looking at the sunset – he had his hands wrapped around my waist, holding me back against him he nuzzled the back of my neck.

"You open my eyes to things Chase..."

Having him close was comforting, and the past five days have been magical – really calming and easy on my body and mind – we have gotten close, closer now that I was or am with Rooster.

But I missed Rooster terribly.

Vice Admiral Mendell, who has never been seen outside of the dark ops team came up to me, I offered him a smile, but I could see worry lines forming in the middle of his forehead.

"Seresin...may I speak with her in private please?"

He seemed hesitant to let me go, but he stepped back and let me go.

"I'll be right back..."

Hangman leaned against the railing gently and continued watching the sunset and I walked into the doorway that led back into the ship– when we stepped in the doorway, he shut the door but didn't lock it.

"There has been a shit tone of inquiries about your whereabouts from a Captain Pete Mitchell and Lieutenant Bradley Bradshaw... are you in some kind of trouble."

Our relationship wasn't normal – he talked to me like a civilian. I did my best to no laugh as I put my hand on my belly – the term "In some kind of trouble." In the past could reference being pregnant.

He noticed where my hand was placed – he knew about the baby. He was smart so he was able to jump to conclusions somewhat accurately.

"I thought the child was Seresin's..."

Realizing what my overall predicament was, I had the good sense to blush at my own actions. He let out a little hum.

"You have no idea who the father is...all three of them?" He raised his eyebrow, we had known each other long enough that I wasn't upset with him asking.

"Just Seresin and Bradshaw." I confirmed.

"Damn...I hope it is Sersein...he seems to love you."

I was going to tell him to mind his own business but he had a point.

But I knew that I needed to at least hear Bradley out. I couldn't hide forever, I had to face him.

{Two Days Later}

I had just seen Sersein off a short training flight, he was still a Navy boy, so when his name was called he had to go, with a sigh I realized that I would be alone for a few days.

We had been in Fighter Town for two days and I had kept a low profile.

I was grabbed right in the doorway, and gently pressed up against the wall adjacent to the doorway. I looked up and saw Rooster's intense brown eyes.

I let out a whimper and then a moan of pain, he was my weakness – the one person who could make my better sense leave the door.

He held my gaze for a while, then looked down, dropping to one knee he put his hand on my stomach and the other around on my lower back, leaning his head against my lower chest.

He kissed my belly, then pressed his lips to it to talk softly.

"I'm sorry, Dad is sorry..." He looked up at me with wide eyes, my heart started to race when I looked down at him he was crying silent tears.

"I'm so sorry for how I acted...I had to wait until you were alone, please let's spend some time together, let me take you out – I have missed you so much I just want to be near you."

I started to cry, threading my fingers in my hair as he rested his cheek against my stomach, I wiped away his tears.

"I missed you to, so fucking much..." I sobbed my heart clenching in my chest, this was genuine remorse, I could tell by the emotions coming off of him. I wanted to just hold him close for a while, no words, just comfort and closeness. 

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now