Black Ops

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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence.

Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships!

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Rooster's Point of View ---

I walked down to the main deck, I was looking for Maverick, I couldn't go to the Vice Admiral but I could talk to him, I found him out on the flight deck.


HE turned to face me, he was talking to the Vice Admiral, he looked very grave, I felt something close to dread start to fill my stomach.

He seemed to excuse himself and walked over to me, putting his hand on my arm he pushed me forward, I didn't ask what was going on, I simply followed him into a side room.

"What is going on Mav?"

He let out a sigh, then ran a hand across his face.

"We...we can't find Lieutenant Seresin and there is no trace that he was able to bail out..."

I looked at him blankly for a moment, my brain almost seemed to short circuit at what he was saying.

"What are you saying?"

"That...well, chances are he didn't survive the crash."

I shook my head, doing my best to stay calm.

"The Vice Admiral is going to tell Chase the news, Bradley, I know I have never approved of you being with her, but...this is going to hurt her."

"Yeah, me to..." I wiped a stray tear from my cheek, my heart was breaking, I could have sworn I saw him bail out...but, if they couldn't find him, then, fuck.

I turned to leave; Maverick grabbed my arm stopping me, I turned to face him, narrowing my eyes at him.

"Wait, you can't go to her yet."

"Yeah no, I'm not going to leave her alone when she is told."

"Bradley, I know you care about her."

"It's more than that Mav." I growled, I was shocked at my own words, I hadn't known her that long, and I knew saying the word 'love' was utterly absurd, but my feeling for her were strong, and somehow everything felt on shaky ground without Jake.

He tilted his head and gave me a look, but to his credit he said nothing.

Just then another cadet came into the room, looking shocked.

"There you are Captain Mitchell, being transported off this carrier and back to Fightertown, she passed out in her cabin, she needs and IV and rest, something we don't have on board this vessel."

"Shit...did she pass out after she was told about Seresin?"

The cadet looked a bit confused, then seemed to understand, he shook his head.

"No, as far as I was told she was found passed out."

Mav seemed to think it over then turned to me, putting his hands on my shoulders.

"Go to the helicopter and go in with her...I'll talk to Beau... if you have as strong a feelings for her as you claim, can you be the one to tell her about him? Whatever was going on between you three – I have a feeling it should be you."

I closed my eyes, I was a trained soldier, he had a point, I wanted, no...I had to be the one who told her.

"I can..."

"Then go." Nodding and not even saying bye I turned and ran to the flight deck, knowing that is where the helicopter would be.

--- Chase's Point of View ---

I woke up not knowing where I was, shivering, I looked around, I had been trained extensively by black ops, I knew how to get it together.


I saw Rooster, he was at my bedside, I knew that I was back on land, at the base, I focused on his face, It seemed like he might have been crying, he reached out and gently touched my face, leaning forward he kissed me, I tasted the salt on his lips, he had been crying.

"You had me worried."

"I'm alright..." I pushed him away, he looked down, almost like he was ashamed of something.

"Bradley...what is it..." Calling him by his name, he looked up at me, fresh tears falling down his face.

"I'm sorry, they couldn't find Jake... they are certain that he didn't make it."

I felt sick to my stomach.

"Leave..." I growled, pain and anguish coming over me, that wasn't right, I watched his plane on the radar, he could, he should have survived that, I was certain he survived.

"No..." He put his arms around me, and I started to fight him, he got on the bed and hugged me to him, I struggled, doing my best to fight the pain that was in me, so deep and dark.

I burst out into sobs, ashamed of my own weakness.

I leaned into Rooster, letting him hold me as I came apart in his arms, he kissed my head, face and shoulders, crying as well, telling me that we would be okay and that he would take care of me, saying that he loved Hangman as well but we would be okay just the two of us.

I cried until my body gave out and I passed out, knowing I was safe in his arms, trusting him at my most vulnerable.

The next time I woke up I saw that he was asleep in the small bed next to me, and it was late, I looked at his watch and saw that it was 2 in the morning.

My mind was now clear, scarily clear, I slowly got up, disconnecting myself from the IV, I was happy to see I had been dressed in scrubs, I walked barefoot out of the medical bay.

The base was mostly empty, I made my way to my house.

When I got in I turned on the computer, and sent out a single email, and waited.

It didn't take long before a window came up on my screen, he had answered my call, he was one of six people who would help me, I opened the secure connection, his face was worried.

"Is everything alright?"

I was looking at one of the most dangerous men in the military, pure black ops, him as his team often worked outside the government, doing things that took a gray area to go over, and they owed me a few favors.

"No...I need you to look into something for me, privately, off the books, this is personal."

His blue eyes narrowed.

"Understandable, what can I do for you?"

"I'm sending you coordinates, a plane crashed during a mission dropping one of my bombs, you are looking for Lieutenant Jake Seresin, call sigh Hangman."

"Is he missing?"

"Yes, they presume he is dead... something is wrong, bring him back to me alive, or evidence in my hand of his death."

"You want his body?"

I gave him a look back, letting him know i wasn't kidding. 

"I want irrefutable proof of his death."

He nodded. "Sounds easy enough, I will be in touch Chase...take care of yourself, you look like shit."

"Thank you..." I clicked off the connection not commenting on his light insult, I got up and walked back to the medical bay, I smiled when I saw Rooster still asleep.

Fuck how did I get in such a complicated relationship, and why did I feel we were not incomplete without Hangman, something in my gut told me that something else was going on – and I couldn't shake the feeling. 

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now