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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence.

Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships.

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

---Chase's Point of View ---

He had his hand on both of my hips, he roughly held me as he grided me against him, his cock was hard, and it was almost like he was using me for his own pleasure.

It was so dominant and powerful, and so unlike Rooster, at least what I had gathered from observing him, maybe he was more Alpha that I had given him credit for.

He leaned forward and kissed my throat, I leaned my head back as he ran his tongue from my collar bone and up my throat, biting the skin right below my ear, this mustache tickled me.


The moan that I let out had an odd tone of frustration that I struggled to hide but I seemingly couldn't, I tried to wiggle my hips, again his strong hands kept me in place.

"What is it? Use your words."


"Are you having trouble cumming?"

I looked u pat the ceiling, letting out a strangled cry, and struggled against his hands on my hips.

He gently lifted me off of him and then picked me up, taking me to the bed, I felt like crying because the tension in my body was almost in overload.

He pushed me up on the bed, spreading my legs wrapping around his waist, he leaned forward and buried his cock in me, with me prone on my back he was able to go very deep, he almost felt bigger.

He put his hand on the side of my head, turning it as he roughly fucked me.

"Focus on what I am doing, do you feel my cock moving in and out of you."


He continued for a long while.

"Why are you fighting it, you are so stressed baby."

"I just can't."

He had called it right, I was so scared

"Relax baby and let it cum, I want to feel it, I want to feel you tighten around my cock."

He leaned his head down and whispered in my ear.

"Fucking cum baby."

I lead my head back and my body let go, I came so hard that I felt myself squeezing his cock.


I felt his cock cum, I loved knowing that me having an orgasm so powerful that it made him cum, he collapsed on me his cock still emptying in me.

{Later That Night}

I woke up totally not remembering even falling asleep, I was naked on top of the sheet, and Rooster was sleeping beside me.

I pulled myself up to an upright position, I reached out to grab a blanket.

"Don't cover up, I like seeing you naked."

I looked over at him startled because I didn't hear him wake up.

"Please Rooster, I'm cold."

"Get under the covers then."

I did as he demanded, when I was where he wanted, he got up off the bed, his pants were still undone but not pulled down.

"Do you want Pizza, Chinese, Indian...what are you feeling?"

I saw him look outside, there was an expression on his face that worried me. I got up and looked outside, wrapping the blanket around me to cover up.

Leaning against a motorcycle, looking right at our window was Hangman.

"Did you let him know where we were?"


"I'll be right back."

--- Rooster's Point of View ---

I walked angerly outside to where Hangman was, I narrowed my eyes as I walked up to him.

"What are you doing here, why can't you just leave her alone."

"Because she is mine Bradley, I mean if you want to have a threesome with her."

I punched him, I didn't even know what I was doing when I did it. He stumbled back but recovered quickly.

"That tattoo on her back, it means she is a submissive, you can't handle a girl like her."

I had wondered about that tattoo, and I had noticed that she responded to me being in control, so she was a real submissive?

"I can be her dominant."

"Doubt it."

"Why did you punch him, Hangman, why the fuck are you here?" We both turned and looked at Chase running outside. I was man because she hadn't obeyed me. 

Dark Lover ♡-- Bradley Bradshaw 'Rooster' x Dark RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now